Home>Research>Project>Family Policies, Female Participation and inequalities
Family Policies, Female Participation and inequalities
Project holders:
- Clément CARBONNIER (Université Paris 8, LED et Sciences Po, LIEPP)
- Emanuele FERRAGINA (Sciences Po, OSC et LIEPP)
Research team :
- Julien BLASCO (Université de Cergy-Pontoise et Sciences Po, LIEPP)
- Montserrat BOTEY (Université d'Orléans, PSE et Sciences Po, LIEPP )
- Esme LILLYWHITE (Sciences Po)
- Teva MARESCAUX (Sciences Po Grenoble)
Project description:
This project assesses the impact of childcare policies on inequalities in access to these services and the consequences in terms of socioeconomic inequalities of labor force participation. It also documents the aftermaths in terms of inequalities in the standard of living of mothers.
Several studies document these questions.
WP1: A longitudinal analysis studies the evolution of social and income inequalities through the use of fiscal income surveys since 1970, with particular attention to the contribution of demographic changes.
WP2: A study combining quantitative and qualitative approaches focuses on the barriers to access to collective childcare in Seine-Saint-Denis, based on the analysis of 55 departmental childcare facilities, comparing opening hours, organizational specificities, declared preferences of users and geographic coverage.
WP3&4: The last two studies empirically estimate the link between childcare policies, socio-economic differences in access and socio-economic differences in female labor force participation. The first exploits the childcare modules of the employment surveys for the case of France (WP3), the other is based on the European EU-SILC survey for the case of Italy (WP4).
Poster of the project - June 2021