Home>Research>Project>Gender differences in college students’ career aspirations
Gender differences in college students’ career aspirations
Research team:
Ghazala Azmat (Sciences Po, Department of economy)
Anne Boring (Erasmus University of Rotterdam, LIEPP and PRESAGE)
Sophie Cêtre (Sciences Po, Department of economy)
Roberto Galbiati (Sciences Po, Department of economy)
Description of the projet:
In this research project, we compare the distance between students' academic and professional aspirations when they enter higher education, with the actual educational and professional tracks they follow. In particular, the main questions we address are the following: are there gender differences in ambition and aspirations at the start of higher education? Do students' trajectories diverge during higher education? If it is the case, can we identify the factors causing these changes? This research project deals with the gender analysis of students' aspirations and ambitions.
Poster of the project - June 2021