Home>Research>Project>(In)justice reproductive en France: Les droits reproductifs au prisme des rapports de domination de genre, de race et de classe (JR France)
(In)justice reproductive en France: Les droits reproductifs au prisme des rapports de domination de genre, de race et de classe (JR France)
A projet led by LIEPP's Health Policies and Discriminations and category-based policies research groups
Project holder:
Louise Virole (URMIS, Université Paris Cité)
Research team:
Mounia El Kotni (CERMES 3, Université Paris Cité)
Lucia Gentile (Health Department, Institut Convergences Migrations)
Christelle Gomis (Sciences Po)
Rosa Godos Garacia Mestanza (LCSP, Université Paris Cité)
Chiara Quagliariello (CEMS, EHESS)
Project description:
The Reproductive Justice Research Group (GRJR) is organizing the international colloquium "(In)reproductive justice in France: Reproductive rights through the prism of gender, race and class power relations". The colloquium will take place on November 28 and 29, 2024 at the MSH Paris Nord on the Condorcet Campus (Aubervilliers, France), with the support of the Gender Institute and the MSH Paris Nord.
Minorities, racialized and/or foreign populations are particularly vulnerable to violence and injustice when it comes to accessing their fundamental reproductive rights, i.e. their right to :
1. choose not to have children if they wish;
2. choose to have children if they so desire;
3. give birth to and raise children in a welcoming environment. The aim of the colloquium is to draw on the theoretical and activist framework of reproductive justice to better understand these multiple and intersectional inequalities. The invitation of international researchers and activists will open up a fruitful dialogue on these issues with French researchers, activists and medical-social professionals.