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Le conseil en santé publique : un marché en temps de pandémie?

Full title: 

Le conseil en santé publique : un marché en temps de pandémie ? Une revue de la littérature empirique.

Project holders: 

Research team: 

  • Lara GAUTIER (ESPUM, Université de Montréal, CEPED, IRD, Université de Paris) 
  • Syndia OLIVEIRA (Fondation Oswaldo Cruz) 
  • Lucille GALLARDO (LIEPP/CEPED, IRD, Université de Paris)

Project description: 

Around the world, the role of private management consulting firms in inspiring response choices to the COVID-19 pandemic or in accelerating the opioid crisis has been strongly debated (Castonguay 2020; Hart and Rice 2020; Petitjean 2020). These controversies remind the urgent need to understand the role of such for-profit firms in the fight against epidemics, both in northern and southern countries. This research aims to provide a state of scientific knowledge of the role of management consulting in the fight against epidemics worldwide, as well as the theories and methods used by researchers to study it. In a context of increasing commoditization and financialization of the health sector, as the current case of COVID-19 vaccination and the notion of common good remind us, it is indeed essential to question the place of private firms and consultants, their role(s), and the challenges of their involvement in responses to epidemics.

Poster of the project - May 2022