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Social mediation against violence in school
Research team:
Yann Algan, Sciences Po Department of Economics
Nina Guyon, National University of Singapore
Elise Huillery, Université Paris Dauphine
This project aims at measuring the impact of social mediation policies implemented in primary and secondary schools on the prevalence of violence.
The team composed of Yann Algan, Nina Guyon and Elise Huillery has been engaged by “Le Fonds d’Expérimentation pour la Jeunesse (FEJ)” in the framework of a call to tender on the “prevention and battle against harassment in school”, in collaboration with "France Médiation" (see the description of the experiment on FEJ website). |
The program of “France Mediation” consists of training educational teams in the process of mediation with the pupils and their families, as well as in conflict management, and to train volunteer pupils in peer mediation. The impact of this program is compared to that of a less costly system of “harassment awareness” led by the passage and operation of an inquiry on victimization conducted on students and educational personnel at the beginning of the academic year.
The LIEPP team proposes to assess the impact of the program on the level of violence, the level of well-being of the students, their parents, and the educational personnel, as well as on the academic success of the students. This experiment also seeks to determine the mechanisms through which the program produces the observed effects. Besides, it aims at understanding the eventual difficulties encountered during the implementation of the project and analyzing the costs and benefits generated by the action, taking into account the costs avoided due to the action. Overall, the project is developed in 280 educational establishments.
This evaluation therefore allows for the development of research in educational economics on the non-cognitive determinants of academic success and on the evolution of these determinants with age.
This experiment is sponsored by the Fonds d'Expérimentation pour la Jeunesse, implemented by the Ministry in charge of Youth Affairs.
Yann ALGAN, Nina GUYON, Elise HUILLERY, Comment lutter contre la violence et le harcelement à l'école et au collège ?, LIEPP Policy Brief n°19, juin 2015
Yann ALGAN, Nina GUYON, Elise HUILLERY, Comment lutter contre la violence et le harcèlement à l’école et au collège ? Effets du dispositif de médiation sociale France Médiation et d’un dispositif de prise de conscience du niveau de violence, Rapport final d'évaluation FEJ, avril 2015
Communications :
Synthèse du rapport de l’évaluation, Comment lutter contre la violence et le harcèlement à l’école et au collègue?, avril 2015.
Note de restitution finale Médiation sociale en milieu scolaire: lutte contre le harcèlement à l’école, décembre 2014.