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Research Group: Health Policies
Research Group Directors: Henri BERGERON, Thomas RAPP
Involved members:
Flavien BOUTTET, Matthias BRUNN, Guillaume CHAPELLE, Elisa CHELLE, Mathieu CORTEEL, Alexandre DUMONT, Anne-Laure FERAL PIERSSENS, Noémie MORIZE, Etienne NOUGUEZ, Hélène PERIVIER, Valéry RIDDE, Jonathan SICSIC, Louise VIROLE
Presentation of the Health Policies Research Group

The Health Policies research group, currently under development, aims to host research studying different aspects of the implementation of health and public health policies. Particular interest is given to organizational issues in public policy. Attention is also given to the digital revolution and the management of new health data.
This research group aims to report on the proliferation of evaluations of health policies and instruments, both nationally and internationally. The aim is to encourage a sensible and evidenced-based dialogue on practices and methods developed in France and abroad, particularly those within the University of Paris and at LIEPP.
Researchers in this group represent different disciplines, including sociology and political science, but epidemiology and economics are also involved. The research work of the group thus contributes to collective reflection on the evaluation of public policies, alongside public and private institutions, associations and academic circles specialized in the analysis of health policies.
Contact : sante.liepp@sciencespo.fr
Seminars of the research group
The Health Policies research group organizes seminars open to all, presenting research work on various topics related to its research themes.
Find out more about the Health Policies Seminars.
Associated Research Projects
Ongoing projects
- (In)justice reproductive en France: Les droits reproductifs au prisme des rapports de domination de genre, de race et de classe (JR France) (2024)
- Appropriate use of Caesarean section through QUALIty DECision-making by women and providers in low and middle-income countries ( QUALI DEC) (2024)
- Addressing Doctor Shortages in Rural Areas An Evaluation of Practice Location Restriction in Germany (2024)
- Évaluation d’une expérimentation d’un dispositif de repérage des usagers fréquents des urgences, portée par l’ARS Grand Est (2024)
- Décarboner le système de santé : quels enjeux pour les politiques publiques ? (2023)
- Abortion in the European Union: Institutional sources of divergences and solidarities (2023)
- Organiser des dispositifs d’Activité Physique sur Prescription (OrgAPP). Tensions politiques et configurations professionnelles dans la mise en œuvre de l’action publique locale en matière de « sport-santé » (2022)
- Etude des parcours des candidats aux études de santé dans le cadre de la réforme 2020 de leurs voies d’accès (PARCOURSANTE) (2022)
- Prévention et dépistage des cancers (Prev-Cancers) (2022)
- Décision médicale pour autrui: évaluation du dispositif de la personne de confiance (2020)
- Accès aux soins des Populations Précaires : modification des conditions d'accès à l'Aide Médicale d'État et à la Protection Universelle Maladie en France entre 2010 et 2021 et impact sur le recours au dispositif "Soins Urgents et Vitaux" pour les patients migrants malades (POPUP)
- Le conseil en santé publique : un marché en temps de pandémie ? Une revue systématique de la littérature empirique
- Probabilités épidémiologiques et décisions politiques à l'épreuve de la Covid-19 (ProbaPol)
- Acces to abortion and telemedicine abortion in France: a mixed-method study on why individuals resort to telemedical abortion over local abortion services in France
- REF-SANTÉ - Évaluation de la réforme des études de santé
- Philanthropic actors and palliative care
- Evaluating the implementation of an anti-drug trafficking policy and of policies for the prevention and care of addictions
- Philanthropic actors in France
- Évaluation des politiques publiques en matière de coordination des soins
- Entre aliments et médicaments. Régulation publique, stratégies industrielles et construction d’un marché interstitiel de la santé
Publications de l'axe
- Mark STABILE, Sarah THOMSON, The Changing Role of Government in Financing Health Care: An International Perspective LIEPP Working Paper n°26, mai 2014
- Hugo BERTILLOT, Quand l’évaluation modifie les institutions : Comment l’hôpital est transformé par les indicateurs qualité , LIEPP Policy Brief n°20, septembre 2015
- Léa TOULEMON, Laurent DAVEZIES, Does moving to a system with more generous public health insurance increase medical care consumption? LIEPP Working Paper n°37, February 2015
- Etienne NOUGUEZ, Solenne CAROF, At the Boundaries of Food and Medicine: The Genesis and Transformation of the ‘Functional Food’ Markets in France and Europe LIEPP Working Paper n°90, Septembre 2019
- Sophie DUBUISSON-QUELLIER, Benoît GRANIER, Comment inciter les entreprises à afficher les impacts environnementaux sur les produits de grande consommation ? LIEPP Policy Brief, n°40, avril 2019
- Henri BERGERON, Patrick CASTEL, Etienne NOUGUEZ An ungovernable tool of government? The problematic use of labels in public health policies LIEPP Working Paper n°106, February 2020
- Thomas RAPP, BUSSIERE, C. SIRVEN, N., SEVILLA DEDIEU, C. Adherence to medical follow-up recommendations reduces hospital admissions: Evidence from diabetic patients in France. Accepted for publication Health Economics 29 (2) 2020
- Thomas RAPP, CHAUVIN, P, BELLANGER, M, SIRVEN, N, Heterogeneity in Drug Recommendation Compliance: Evidence from France of a Gender Bias in the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Patients Journal de gestion et d'économie de la santé 2020/2 (2), p. 93-109 2020
- Thomas RAPP, SICSIC, J., RAVESTEJIN, B Are frail elderly people in Europe high-need subjects? First evidence from the SPRINTT data. Health Policy Volume 124, Issue 8, p. 865-872, August 2020
- Thomas RAPP, SICSIC, J., The contribution of the immigrant population to the US long-term care workforce Social Science and Medicine Volume 263, October 2020
- Thomas RAPP, ROLLAND, Y., NEDA TAVASSOLI, N., SOUTO BARRETO, P., PERRIN, A., LAFFON DE MAZIERES, C., HERMABESSIERES, S., TOURNAY, E., VELLAS, B., ANDRIEU, S. Systematic dementia screening by multidisciplinary team meetings in nursing homes for reducing emergency department transfers: the IDEM cluster-randomised controlled trial JAMA network Open 2020 3(2) , p. 1-13 2020
- Lawrence D. BROWN, The Discrete Charm of Managed Competition in Health Policy Reform LIEPP Working Paper n°123, Septembre 2021
- Thomas RAPP, Jérôme RONCHETTI, Jonathan SICSIC Les métiers du grand âge, métiers à risque ? LIEPP Policy Brief n°56, Novembre 2021
- Thomas RAPP, ROQUEBERT, Q., SICSIC, J., SANTOS-EGGIMANN, B. et al. Frailty, Sarcopenia and Long Term Care Utilization In Older Populations: A Systematic Review The Journal of Frailty & Aging 2021
- Thomas RAPP, ROQUEBERT, Q., SICSIC, J., et al. Health measures and long-term care use in the European frail population The European Journal of Health Economics 22, p. 405–423 2021
- Thomas RAPP, RONCHETTI, J., SICSIC, J. Are long-term care jobs harmful? Evidence from Germany The European Journal of Health Economics Accepted for publication, 2021
- Thomas RAPP, MCHUGH, J., MOTAMASUR, S., MOR, V. Higher Hospital Referral Concentration Associated with Lower Risk Patients in Skilled Nursing Facilities Health Services Research Accepted for publication, 2021
- Thomas RAPP, Jérôme RONCHETTI, Jonathan SICSIC Are long-term care jobs harmful? Evidence from Germany The European Journal of Health Economics avril 2021
- Thomas RAPP, Quitterie ROQUEBERT, Jonathan SICSIC Mettre le « value-based aging » au cœur des politiques de dépendance LIEPP Policy Brief n°53, Juin 2021
- Bartholomew A KONECHNI, Unconditional Cash Transfers Impact on Health Behaviours During a Crisis: A Natural Experiment Using the CARES Act 2020 LIEPP Working Paper n°153, 2023
- Elisa CHELLE, Enguerrand DEZERCES Le dépistage du cancer dans une perspective internationale : une revue exploratoire LIEPP Working Paper n°157, 2023
- Lucille GALLARDO, Lara GAUTIER, Fanny CHABROL, Lola TRAVERSON, Sydia OLIVEIRA, Valery RIDDE, Les cabinets de conseil privés dans l'action publique contre les épidémies : une revue exploratoire LIEPP Working Paper n°139 2023
- Maïva ROPAUL, Colin SIDRE, Emy ALVES, Luigi GONTARD Trusted persons of elderly patients in France: a scoping review , LIEPP Working Paper n°147, 2023
- Maïva ROPAUL, Elisa DARRIET Informal caregivers of elderly patients in France: their behavior as trusted persons and their knowledge of this concept LIEPP Working Paper, n°151, 2023
- Isabel PERERA, Musckaan CHAUHAN Artificial Intelligence: Promises, Perils and Political Economy LIEPP Working Paper n°160, 2024
- Mathieu CORTEEL, Renaud CRESPIN Une politique sous l'emprise des modèles : la gestion de la crise de Covid 19 en France en 2020 LIEPP Working Paper n°159, 2024
- Matthias BRUNN, Guilhem MOLINIE, Michael PADGET, Odessa DARIEL, Kevin ZARCA Comment choisir un soin durable ? Faisabilité d'un modèle de décision « médico-éco-climatique » pour la prise en charge de la dépression LIEPP Working Paper n°162, 2024
- DUPUY, Jules, BARNAY, Thomas, DEFEBVRE, Eric. Comprendre les effets contradictoires des politiques publiques de lutte contre la COVID19 sur la santé des populations en Europe. Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n° 75, September 2024.
- ATAY, Hazal, PERIVIER, Hélène. From choice to capabilities: abortion and reproductive justice. LIEPP Working Paper n°169, 2024.