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Other Research Projects
While most of the research projects supported by LIEPP are already part of the Research groups focusing on specific policies, a few other projects deal with single issues or are carried out within partnerships. They are included together in this category.
External funding
- Régimes de croissance et aides publiques aux entreprises en Europe (IRES-FO)
- Promoting the economic autonomy of disabled people through employment and social policy (PRESPOL) (in association with the CERAPS, the EHESP, ERUDITE and the LISE)
- Le rôle du foncier dans les marchés immobiliers (Union sociale pour l’habitat)
- Evaluating complex interventions : the case of the Animation of Social Life policy (Caisse Nationale des Allocations Familiales)
- Évaluation du dispositif expérimental "Diagnostic RSA jeunes de 25 à 35 ans" (in French) (Département Seine Saint-Denis)
- Dynamiques des bénéficiaires du RSA à Paris (in French) (CNAF and Mairie de Paris)
- Handicap, genre et précarité profesionnelle : parcours biographiques et réception de l'action publique (in French) (FIRAH and Agefiph)
- Étudier les interactions entre le marché du travail et les infrastructures de transport (in French) (in association with la Société du Grand Paris)
- Redistributive Impact of the Socio-Fiscal Models of Social Welfare: An International Comparative Analysis (in association with l’Ecole Nationale Supérieur de Sécurité Sociale (EN3S))
- Cours d'école OASIS (in association with the mairie de Paris, 2018)
- Kuwait's Welfare System. Description, Assessment and Proposals for Reforms (Kuwait's Foundation for the Advancement of Science-KFAS)
- Evaluation of the impact on the diversity of recruitments "Recruter sans discriminer" (DARES)
- Economics of Housing and Public Policy Evaluation (ANR ECHOPPE)
- Effects of the National Program for Urban Renovation (PNRU) (CGET, ANRU)
- What Policies for Property Ownership ? (in association with Crédit Foncier de France)
- Dynamics of local estate markets: impact of economic conditions, financial cycles and public policy measures (in association with SeLoger)
- Who Owns the Media? Capital, Governance and Independence (in association with Reporters Without Borders)
- Interdisciplinary Evaluation of the Tax Credit for the Competitiveness and the Employment (Crédit d'impôt pour la Compétitivité et l'Emploi/CICE) (in association with France Stratégie)
- Grand Paris Express: impact on labour and housing markets (in association with Société du Grand Paris)
- Grand Paris Express: impact on impact on the international attractiveness of Paris (in association with Société du Grand Paris)
- Evaluating the Implementation of an Anti Drug-Trafficking Policy and of Policies for the Prevention and Care of Addictions (in association with MILDECA)
- Investigating the Role of Philanthropic Actors in the Development of Palliative Care (in association with La Fondation de France)
- Médiation sociale à l'école : évaluer les actions de prévention (in French) (in association with Fonds d’Expérimentation pour la Jeunesse)
- Stereotypes, Self-Censorship and Academic Success (in association with Direction de l’évaluation, de la prospective et de la performance)
- The Pros and Cons of a Single Contract of Employment (in association with OECD). Read the report and the Policy Brief.