Olivier MONSO

Doctoral fellow in Sociology, CRIS / LIEPP affiliate


Bio :

After studies in social sciences at the ENSAE and the ENS Cachan, Olivier Monso joined the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies, then in 2011 the Education Ministerial Statistical Department. He is expert in the analysis of educational inequalities. He is involved in several studies on the comparison between public and private sector, social segregation and territorial inequalities in education. He also works on building methodological tools for studying and managing the educational system.  

Since September 2018, he has been preparing a thesis in sociology at the Sciences Po/OSC under the direction of Louis-André Vallet, which is about segregation between schools and its consequences.

Dissertation title:

"La ségrégation sociale entre les collèges dans le système éducatif français. Mesure, disparités géographiques, évolution temporelle et conséquences"

Research poster- July 2024

Involved in project(s) / Research Group(s) :

LIEPP Publication(s) :

Articles and Contributions to Collective Works

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