Louise CARON
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Research fellow at the National Institute of Demographic Studies (INED) PhD in sociology (thesis finaned by LIEPP and defended in December 2019) |
Bio :Louise Caron has a PhD in sociology. He was a doctoral fellow at LIEPP/OSC from 2015 to 2018 and she defended her thesis "De l’immigration permanente aux migrations circulaires. L’expérience de la (re)migration dans les trajectoires individuelles en France" under the supervision of Mirna Safi in December 2019. She is currently working as a research fellow at the National Institute of Demographic Studies (INED). After graduating from ENSAE ParisTech (the French National School of Statistics and Economic Administration) and obtaining her Masters degree in Sociology at Sciences Po, Louise began her PhD in sociology at the LIEPP and OSC laboratories under the supervision of Dr. Mirna Safi. Her work seeks to improve understandings of the dynamics of migration and mobility in France in order to provide insight for designing and evaluating more effective migration policies. ABSTRACT "From permanent to circular migration in France : Mapping migratory trajectories for a reconfiguration of mobility policies". Migration is one of the main policy challenges in Europe. Many countries are facing new skills needs and the demographic effects of an ageing population while attempting to reinforce controls on illegal immigration and improve migrants' integration. With the globalization of the economy and free circulation of persons across the EU, new forms of migration have emerged. Yet little is known about emigration and the complexity of migratory trajectories for immigrants as well as natives in France. Using longitudinal data from 1975 to recent years, this thesis studies the patterns and determinants of migration and mobility of the French population as a whole using a comparative approach between several populations. In addition to economic paradigms, our method will draw on research in demography, the sociology of migration, and immigration and transnationalism studies. By taking an interdisciplinary approach, this research aims to investigate further the factors that drive migratory strategies in France in both their objective and subjective dimensions. Poster of the project (June 2018)
LIEPP Publication(s) :Articles and Contributions to Collective Works