Droits réservés
Postdoctoral fellow, ANR project Organizations in Crisis (CrisOrg) at CSO PhD in sociology, LIEPP/CSO (thesis financed by LIEPP and defended in March 2021)
Bio :Anne Moyal has a PhD in sociology. She was a doctoral fellow at LIEPP/CSO from 2015 to 2018 and she defended her thesis "Une liberté sous contraintes ? Rationalisation des pratiques des professionnels libéraux de soins primaires en maisons de santé pluriprofessionnelles en France" under the supervision of Henri Bergeron in March 2021.
Poster of the project - June 2021
Media coverage : How Primary Care can solve today's health care challenges, Accidental european, March 31th, 2020. |
Involved in project(s) / Research Group(s) : |
LIEPP Publication(s) :Articles and Contributions to Collective Works