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Associate Professor at the University of California Santa Cruz (Visiting Professor at LIEPP in November 2024) |
Bio :David Gordon is an Associate Professor of Politics at the University of California Santa Cruz whose research combines an interest in international relations, urban politics, and environmental governance to focus on the role of cities in global climate governance. His first book, Cities on the World Stage: The Politics of Global Urban Climate Governance (Cambridge University Press, 2020) uses an in-depth exploration of the C40 city-network to identify the power dynamics that shape whether, how much, and how cities engage in coordinated global climate governance. Dr. Gordon is currently conducting research on the policy transparency of local governments at the intersection of global and urban climate governance, the political legitimacy of global urban climate governance, and the prospects for accountability in orchestrated governance regimes. His work has been published in a variety of outlets, including Global Environmental Politics, Environmental Politics, Nature Climate Change, Environment and Planning C, WIREs Climate Change, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, Global Policy, and the European Journal of International Relations. |
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