Droits réservés
Assistant Professor at Utrecht University, the Netherlands |
Bio :Katharina Meitinger is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Methodology and Statistics at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. Before joining Utrecht University, she worked for GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences. She is a Sociologist by training. Her previous research focused on comparability issues of cross-national survey data. She developed an innovative mixed method approach that combines quantitative measurement invariance testing approaches with the qualitative approach of web probing. The advantage of this approach is that it can detect and explain lack of comparability in data. She received multiple international awards for her work in this context. Further methodological research areas are power dimensions of nonresponse in surveys, the interplay of cognition and visual design of surveys, as well as novel approaches of data collection. In her current NWO funded research, she works on cross-national and regional variations in perceived discrimination of LGBTQ+ in the general population as well as cross-national measures of gender identification in six countries: France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, and the U.S. In her editorial work, she serves as associate editor for Public Opinion Quarterly and Survey Research Methods and has guest edited multiple special issues on topics such as measurement invariance testing or measurement instruments in Corona studies. |
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