Ragnhild MURIAAS
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Professor of Political Science at the Department of Government, University of Bergen (visiting professor at LIEPP from September 5th to December 21st 2022)
Bio :Ragnhild Louise Muriaas is a Professor of Political Science at the Department of Government, University of Bergen. She gained her PhD in Comparative Politics at the University of Bergen in 2008. Her current research focuses on different aspects of gender and political careers, with a particular interest in questions related to gendered aspects of representation, electoral funding, political violence, political endurance, and gender equality reforms. Muriaas has throughout her career championed the need for more cross-regional research, and she has an extensive field background from both African and European countries. She has received funding from the Research Council of Norway for various projects, such as a recent cross-regional project on the causes and consequences of gendered electoral financing. Since October 2021 she is the PI of a ERC funded project (CoG) on gender and political careers titled SUCCESS Gender-Gap in Political Endurance: a novel political inclusion theory. Her work has appeared in such journals as the American Political Science Review, Comparative Political Studies, African Affairs, Political Studies, and International Political Science Review. She is the editor of Gendered Electoral Financing: Money, Power and Representation in Comparative Perspective (2020) - with Vibeke Wang and Rainbow Murray and she has written the book Manipulating Political Decentralization: Africa's Inclusive Autocrats (2018) with Lovise Aalen. Contributions:Seminar co-organized with the CEE : Parliamentary Stayers in Western Democracies: Mind the Gender-Gap in Political Endurance, 22 Novembre 2022. |