Bio :
Thomas Rapp, PhD, is a professor of economics at Université Paris Cité, specialized in health economics, ageing economics, and health policy analysis. He is the director of the AgingUP! Excellency Chaire at Fondation Université Paris Cité. He is a former Harkness fellow in health policy and practice at Harvard (2015-2016) and health economist at the OECD (2017-2019). His research is published in leading peer-reviewed scientific journals (Health Economics, Medical Care, Social Science and Medicine, JAMA open, etc.), book chapters etc. Since 2016, he has been associate editor of the Value in Health Journal. In 2015, he created (and led until 2018) a masters’ degree in health economics at Sorbonne University in Abu Dhabi. For the past 10 years, he has been participating in several research grants (sponsored by the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche, the Commonwealth Fund of New York, the European Commission's Innovative Medicines Initiative program, AXA mécénat etc.) as principal investigator, co-PI, or work package leader. He has been an invited professor at Harvard, Columbia, and Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Roma. Twitter : @ThomRapp
LIEPP Publication(s) :
Articles and Contributions to Collective Works
Thomas RAPP, Jérôme RONCHETTI, Jonathan SICSIC Are long-term care jobs harmful? Evidence from Germany The European Journal of Health Economics avril 2021
Thomas RAPP, Quitterie ROQUEBERT, Jonathan SICSIC Mettre le « value-based aging » au cœur des politiques de dépendance LIEPP Policy Brief n°53, Juin 2021
Thomas RAPP, Jérôme RONCHETTI, Jonathan SICSIC Les métiers du grand âge, métiers à risque ? LIEPP Policy Brief n°56, Novembre 2021
Thomas RAPP, ROQUEBERT, Q., SICSIC, J., SANTOS-EGGIMANN, B. et al. Frailty, Sarcopenia and Long Term Care Utilization In Older Populations: A Systematic Review The Journal of Frailty & Aging 2021
Thomas RAPP, ROQUEBERT, Q., SICSIC, J., et al. Health measures and long-term care use in the European frail population The European Journal of Health Economics 22, p. 405–423 2021
Thomas RAPP, RONCHETTI, J., SICSIC, J. Are long-term care jobs harmful? Evidence from Germany The European Journal of Health Economics Accepted for publication, 2021
Thomas RAPP, MCHUGH, J., MOTAMASUR, S., MOR, V. Higher Hospital Referral Concentration Associated with Lower Risk Patients in Skilled Nursing Facilities Health Services Research Accepted for publication, 2021
Thomas RAPP, ROLLAND, Y., NEDA TAVASSOLI, N., SOUTO BARRETO, P., PERRIN, A., LAFFON DE MAZIERES, C., HERMABESSIERES, S., TOURNAY, E., VELLAS, B., ANDRIEU, S. Systematic dementia screening by multidisciplinary team meetings in nursing homes for reducing emergency department transfers: the IDEM cluster-randomised controlled trial JAMA network Open 2020 3(2) , p. 1-13 2020
Thomas RAPP, BUSSIERE, C. SIRVEN, N., SEVILLA DEDIEU, C. Adherence to medical follow-up recommendations reduces hospital admissions: Evidence from diabetic patients in France. Accepted for publication Health Economics 29 (2) 2020
Thomas RAPP, SIRVEN, N. DUMONTET, M., The Dynamics of Frailty and Change in Socio-Economic Conditions: Evidence for the 65+ in Europe European Journal of Public Health Volume 30, Issue 4, p. 715–719, August 2020
Thomas RAPP, CHAUVIN, P, BELLANGER, M, SIRVEN, N, Heterogeneity in Drug Recommendation Compliance: Evidence from France of a Gender Bias in the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Patients Journal de gestion et d'économie de la santé 2020/2 (2), p. 93-109 2020
Thomas RAPP, SICSIC, J., RAVESTEJIN, B Are frail elderly people in Europe high-need subjects? First evidence from the SPRINTT data. Health Policy Volume 124, Issue 8, p. 865-872, August 2020
Thomas RAPP, SICSIC, J., The contribution of the immigrant population to the US long-term care workforce Social Science and Medicine Volume 263, October 2020