Valérie PATTYN
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Assistant Professor at the Institute of Public Administration of Leiden University (The Netherlands) (Visiting professor at LIEPP from September 16 to October 15 2023) Seminar with Valérie Pattyn on September 28 2023 for the METHEVAL cycle of seminars: ‘Does accessibility of evaluative information facilitate better parliamentary oversight?’ |
Bio :Valérie Pattyn is Assistant Professor at the Institute of Public Administration of Leiden University (The Netherlands), and is partially affiliated to KU Leuven Public Governance Institute (Belgium). Her work focuses on evidence-informed policy making, particularly under conditions of uncertainty and complexity. Her research programme has examined this issue from several complementary lenses. Three recurrent research themes have been: (1) the politics of policy evaluation and its institutionalization in evaluation systems; (2) evidence and policy advice production and use within and outside the civil service (such as (party) think tanks, consultants, parliaments); and (3) case-oriented and set-theoretic methods for comparative policy analysis and policy evaluation. In 2022 she received the prestigious VENI grant (Dutch Science Foundation) for the project ‘policy evaluations evaluated: when do they prompt an overhaul of policies’. The project will compare the use of evaluation studies in different policy fields in various countries. She is currently also co-supervisor of the interdisciplinary ‘uncertainty communication project’ (KU Leuven C1 funding); is management committee member of the COST Network on Professionalization and Social Impact of European Political Science; and is project team member of INFLUEX which investigates the influence of experts (Research Council Norway). Valérie serves in several national and international networks including European Group for Public Administration (co-chair Permanent Study Group Policy Design and Evaluation); Strengthening & Transferring Evidence for Policies & Politics Society (advisory board); Flemish Evaluation Association (co-ordination committee); Dutch Evaluation Association (core group); and COMPArative Methods for Systematic cross-caSe analysis (advisory board). She is also assistant editor of Policy Design and Practice. Her work has been published in a wide range of public administration, public policy and evaluation journals, including Journal of European Public Policy; Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis; Evaluation; American Journal of Evaluation; Public Administration; Evidence & Policy; Public Management Review.
Personal page :See Valérie PATTYN personal page for further information |