Accueil>5th Workshop Economics & Politics


5th Workshop Economics & Politics

À propos de cet événement

Du 12 décembre 2022 à 09:00 au 13 décembre 2022 à 15:30

LIEPP's Evaluation of democracy research group, Lille University and the department of applied economics of the Université libre de Bruxelles are pleased to convene this workshop : 

5th Workshop Economics & Politics 

Lille University, December 12th and 13th. 


Monday 12

9.30 – 10.00 Welcome coffee

10.00 – 12.00 Session 1: Election

Chairman: Q. David (Lille University)
L.Coufalová (Masaryk University), The Grass Is Not Greener on the Other Side: The Role of Attention in Voting Behaviour. Disc: C.Le Pennec and J.Navarro

M.Fonseca (Nova SBE), The Electoral Impact of a Large Return Migration Shock in a Nascent Democracy. Disc: L.Coufalová and Q.David

G.Sandri (Université catholique de Lille), Did Perceptions of Governmental Action Against Covid-19 Affect Voting Choices in the 2022 French Presidential Election ? Disc: M.Fonseca and A.François

C.Le Pennec (HEC Montréal), Keep your Enemies Closer: Strategic Candidate Adjustments in U.S. and French Elections. Disc: G.Sandri and P-G.Méon

12:00 – 14:00: Lunch

14.00 – 16.00 Session 2: Conflict

Chairman: E. Grossman (Sciences PO)

N.Zakharov (University of Freiburg), Who Goes to (Proxy) War? The Long Shadow of the USSR Collapse and Volunteer Russian Fighters in Donbas. Disc: S.Varaine and S.Panel

L.Chauvet (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), D-Day in the long-run: Economic recovery after the Battle of Normandy? Disc: N.Zakharov and N.Lagios

A.Pietri (University of Montpellier (CEE-M)), Testing evolutionary game theory in the lab: The case of a Tullock contest. Disc: L.Chauvet and A.Chatelain

S.Varaine (Pacte - Sciences Po Grenoble), Dying to die. New micro and macro evidence that suicide terrorists are suicidal. Disc: A.Pietri and Q.David

16.00 – 16.30 Coffee Break

16.30 – 18.00 Session 3: Norms and gender

Chairman: A. François (Lille University)

E.Borisova (Université de Lille), Agricultural ancestry and gender roles. Disc: P.Schafer and J.Lacroix

J.Haddad (Université libre de Bruxelles), Settlers and Norms. Disc: E.Borisova and J.Beuve

P.Schafer (University of Fribourg), Yes, we can! Political context and female political participation after their enfranchisement. Disc: J.Haddad and V.Westergren

19.30 – ... : Social Dinner 

Tuesday 13

8.00 – 8.30 Welcome coffee

8.30 – 10.00 Session 4: Protest and political crisis

Chairman: S. Panel (Sciences PO Grenoble)

B.Monnery (EconomiX), Participatory democracy in step with social protest? Evidence from the Yellow Vests movement. Disc: C.Varriale and F.Briatte

M.Dorsch (Central European University), From the street to the ballot box: BLM protests and voting in federal elections. Disc: B.Monnery and I.Tojerow

C.Varriale (Bocconi University), The effectiveness of leaders’ public communication during crises. Disc: M.Dorsch and E.Grossman

10.00 – 10.30 Coffee Break

10.30 – 12.30 Session 5: Public opinion and action

Chairman: I. Tojerow (ULB)

Y.Elkhateeb (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University), (Mis-)information technology: Internet use and perception of democracy in Africa. Disc: M.Guillot and E.Grossman

J.Fidrmuc (Université de Lille), Who Believes in Conspiracy Theories, and Why? Disc: T.Bastin and I.Tojerow

T.Schnatterer (Sciences Po Bordeaux), What governments want to know about citizens’ preferences: the agenda of government polls in Germany (2013-2020). Disc: J.Fidrmuc and V.Westergren

M.Guillot (Université de Liège), Is Charitable Giving Political? Evidence from Wealth and Income Tax Returns. Disc: T.Schnatterer and A.François

12.30 – 14.00 Lunch

14.00 – 15.30 Session 6: Politics of identity and culture
Chairman: P-G. Méon (ULB)

M.Laméris (University of Groningen), National identification and voting behaviour. Disc: V.Pons and N.Lagios

O.Hammar (Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN)), The Cultural Assimilation of Individualism and Preferences for Redistribution. Disc: M.Laméris and S.Panel

V.Pons (Harvard University), How Neighborhoods Shape Political Identity and Behavior: Evidence from Young Movers. Disc: O.Hammar and Wit

This workshop was convened with the support of La Région Hauts-de-France. 

À propos de cet événement

Du 12 décembre 2022 à 09:00 au 13 décembre 2022 à 15:30