Accueil>Care Economy: An Outline of a New Research Project


Care Economy: An Outline of a New Research Project

À propos de cet événement

Le 01 avril 2018 de 16:00 à 18:00


L'axe Politiques socio-fiscales du LIEPP a le plaisir de vous inviter au séminaire:

Care Economy: An Outline of a New Research Project

[langue: anglais]

 Lundi 30 avril 2018
Salle de séminaires du LIEPP
254 bvd Saint-Germain, 75 007 Paris

Merci de vous inscrire



ito peng

    Ito PENG

    Professeure de Sociologie, Université de Toronto
    Canada Research Chair in Global Social Policy

     "Care Economy: An Outline of a New Research Project"  


Résumé [en anglais]:

Care economy refers to the sector of economic activities, both paid and unpaid, related to the provisions of social and material care, including care of children, the elderly and the disabled, health care, education, and as well, financial and other personal services, all of which contribute to nurturing and supporting the present and future populations. While the expansion of the care economy is evident across the OECD world, their forms and modalities vary significantly across regions. In this presentation I show four different forms of care economies – in East Asia, Europe and North America – and ask: 1) why do we see different types of care economies across different regions of the world; and 2) what are the factors/variables that can account for their differences, and how do they contribute to the diverse outcomes. I provide a tentative conceptual approach and methodology to address these research questions, and discuss an opportunity for a potential collaborative international research project.


Nathalie Morel 
Assistant Professor LIEPP/CEE
Co-directrice de l'axe Politiques socio-fiscales


À propos de cet événement

Le 01 avril 2018 de 16:00 à 18:00