Professeure émérite, Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvanie

(Invitée au LIEPP au printemps 2025)

Bio :

Julia H. Littell earned her PhD from the University of Chicago’s School of Social Service Administration in 1992. She taught courses on human development, child welfare, social policy, and research methods at the Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research at Bryn Mawr College (in the USA) until she retired at the rank of full Professor in 2021. Dr. Littell’s scholarly work focuses on applied epistemology, methods of evidence synthesis, and the uses and misuses of empirical research in policy and practice. She has studied processes and outcomes of complex behavioral and psychosocial interventions for children, youth, and families, using field experiments, secondary analysis of data, qualitative research, systematic reviews, and meta- analysis. She is co-author of Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis (Oxford University Press), Putting Families First: An Experiment in Family Preservation (Aldine de Gruyter) and more than 70 journal articles and book chapters. Professor Littell received the Pro Humanitate Literary Award in 2006 and again in 2009 for her articles on research synthesis and evidence-based practice. In 2015, she received the Olkin Award for distinguished lifetime achievement from the international, interdisciplinary Society for Research Synthesis Methodology.

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