Ehlich (1901-1991), Hans
SS physician, Ehlich was also Chief of the department III B („Volkstum und Gesundheit“, “ethnicity and health”) and commanding officer of the Einsatzgruppe V in Poland. In 1923, he was member of the Reichsflagge, an anti-republican Bavarian militia that took part in the 1923 Putsch in Munich. Ehlich became member of the Nazi party in 1931 and of the SS in 1932. He took part in the deportations from 1939 onwards. He was then commanding the Einsatzgruppe V in Poland and also one of Eichmann’s assistants as referent of the department III (Einwanderung und Siedlung – immigration and implantation). In January 1940, Ehlich planed for Heydrich the deportation of 160,000 Jews and Poles from the Baltic regions and from Volhynia (Ukraine) to the General Government (in March 1940, 40,000 were deported). He also proposed a general plan East, having the same designation as the plan proposed by Konrad Meyer.
WILDT, M., 2002, Generation des Unbedingten. Das Führungskorps des Reichssicherheitshauptamtes. Hamburg: Hamburger Edition.