Frick (1877-1946), Wilhelm
Frick was a particularly important character. His main task consisted in organizing the state bureaucracy according to the Nazi ideology, taking into account the future military conflicts. He took part in the Hitler putsch in 1923. On October 25, 1924, he claimed for the eviction of Jews from the administration. As president of the parliament group of the Nazi party, he was the link between the NSDAP and the Parliament. Later, he facilitated the acquisition by Hitler of the German nationality. His role in the establishment of the Nazi dictatorship was essential. As Minister of Interior (1933-1943) he was the instigator of a unified armed police organized in the whole Reich. He designated Himmler as chief of the police. He was also, after Hitler, the highest authority controlling the concentration camps. He introduced the yellow star, which identified Jews and also drafted the Nuremberg Laws. He is the father of the decree dated July 1, 1943, which submits Jews to the security service, a situation that let them helpless in the hands of the Gestapo. Frick chose his collaborators with great care: Doctor Conti (Health), Himmler (Police), Hierl (Labor), who together can be considered as the three pillars of the racial Nazi state. As time went by, Frick lost influence to Himmler’s benefit. Himmler progressively concentrated all police responsibilities and managed in the end in taking over his function as Minister of Interior. In 1943, Frick replaced von Neurath in Bohemia Moravia as Reichsprotektor. One of his tasks consisted in taking repression measures. He was judged in Nuremberg as a war criminal and sentenced with death. He was executed on October 16, 1946.
Neliba, G., 1992, Wilhelm Frick: Der Legalist des Unrechtsstaates. Paderborn: Schöningh.