Holocaust in South-East Europe: The fate of Jews in Bulgaria, and in countries and territories under Bulgarian state administration during World War II

21 May, 2013

Le Mémorial de la Shoah vous invite à son prochain colloque, « La Shoah en Europe du Sud-Est : les Juifs en Bulgarie et dans les terres sous administration bulgare (1941-1944) ».

Le colloque se déroulera le dimanche 9 et le lundi 10 juin 2013.

Vous pouvez consulter le programme complet du colloque en cliquant sur la pièce jointe.

A noter une modification de programme pour la dernière session. A la demande de M. Goran Sadikarijo, Directeur de l'Holocaust Fund de Skopje, M. Michael Berenbaum, historien et essayiste, interviendra comme conférencier au débat portant sur « Les enjeux des mémoires parallèles : entre sauvetage et destruction » qui aura lieu le 10 juin de 14h au 16h.

Merci de confirmer votre participation selon les modalités précisées dans l'invitation, en mettant en copie : [jennifer.firmin@memorialdelashoah.org->jennifer.firmin@memorialdelashoah.org]


Le Mémorial de la Shoah is pleased to invite you to attend the International symposium «Holocaust in South-East Europe: The fate of Jews in Bulgaria, and in countries and territories under Bulgarian state administration during World War II».

The symposium takes place on Sunday June, 9th and Monday June, 10th 2013.

In the enclosed invitation, by clicking on the link you will find all the information about the program of this symposium.

Don't hesitate to confirm your participation as indicated in the enclosed document and to CC to : [jennifer.firmin@memorialdelashoah.org->jennifer.firmin@memorialdelashoah.org]

Please notice a change in the program: at the request of M. Goran Sadikarijo, the Director of Holocaust Fund of Skopje, Mr. Michael Berenbaum, scholar, rabbi and writer, will take part as a guest lecturer to the session «The challenge of Parallel Memories : between Rescue and Destruction» which will take place the 10th of June, from 2 pm to 4 pm.

Cite this item

, Holocaust in South-East Europe: The fate of Jews in Bulgaria, and in countries and territories under Bulgarian state administration during World War II, Mass Violence & Résistance, [online], published on: 21 May, 2013, accessed 17/05/2021, http://bo-k2s.sciences-po.fr/mass-violence-war-massacre-resistance/en/document/holocaust-south-east-europe-fate-jews-bulgaria-and-countries-and-territories-under-bulgaria, ISSN 1961-9898
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