Global Mobility and Migration Governance – ANR Funded Project 2013-2015

Project summary

Worldwide mobility is a part of the social texture of globalisation and international relations. It is both a cause and a consequence of globalisation, and the response of national and international political institutions is key to any analysis of governance and social transformation on a global scale. It is one of the tension points in modern politics at both a national and international level. This project looks at international organisations, national and regional migration policies of different countries, ways of organising the living space of migrants and refugees and the transnational social dynamics of mobility. It describes the political and social structures and trends of mobility, mainly through the empirical observation of the practices of institutions and actors (countries, international organisations, migrants, refugees, networks etc.) involved in the governance of mobility. It also seeks to analyse the representations linked to these practices, and the devices of regulation, ideology and identity politics on which they are based. The researchers involved in this project favour an empirical approach together with a systematization following the models of political science, sociology, anthropology and political economy. They have also chosen to tie their research to political and social issues, and to produce an empirically grounded discussion on migration policies and migration politics. They share a common interest and critical insight on public action, both national and international, its norms and its principles in relation to mobility.

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Dossier : frontières et migrations


  • Dossier coordonné par Catherine Wihtol de Wenden

    Ce dossier met en relation deux champs de recherche étroitement liés car les frontières servent à maîtriser les migrations et les migrations se mesurent parce qu’il y a des frontières, intérieures et extérieures. Aujourd’hui, sommes-nous entrés dans une « Obsession des frontières », comme l’a écrit Michel Foucher, ou au contraire, comme nous y invite Régis Debray (Eloge des frontières) faut-il voir dans les frontières le creuset de la définition des appartenances communes ?
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Que se passe-t-il aux frontières ? Emission spéciale à l’occasion du débat du 15 novembre 2013 (lors du forum CNRS Les Fondamentales)

Emission spéciale à l’occasion du débat du 15 novembre 2013 (lors du forum CNRS Les Fondamentales) intitulé : Comprendre la mondialisation : les phénomènes migratoires.

Ou comment l’étude de l’ordinaire cosmopolite des personnes qui font elles-mêmes l’expérience de la frontière permet d’en tirer les conséquences pour comprendre les dimensions à la fois culturelles et politiques de la mondialisation….
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Social Change and Migration in the Gulf Monarchies- Conference, July 1st 2013

A collaborative event MOBGLOB and SYSREMO at CERI -Sciences Po, 56 rue Jacob, 75006 PARIS

Conveners : Christophe Jaffrelot (CNRS / Sciences Po – CERI), Laurence Louër (Sciences Po – CERI), Hélène Thiollet (Sciences Po – CERI, Mobglob ANR Program), Leïla Vignal (Chaire d’excellence CNRS/Université Rennes-2, Sysremo ANR Program, ESO-Rennes)

Full programme here.

This conference follows up on Feedback : the impact of migration to the Middle East on sending countries », organized at CERI in September 2012. While the first venue explored the return effect of mobility on countries and societies of origin, the conference to be held in July 2013 will be looking at the consequences of mass-migration on Gulf societies, GCC states and economies. It is also building up on a previous workshop organised at the IMI – Oxford university in 2010 on Migration to the Gulf countries.

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