Mon, 17/09/2018

Le programme Nuclear Knowledges - Chaire d’excellence en études de sécurité, en partenariat avec l'IDDRI présente la première séance du séminaire mensuel de l'automne 2018.

World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2018: présentation publique et discussion

The Nuclear Knowledges program in collaboration with IDDRI, presents the first monthly seminar of the Fall 2018.

"World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2018: public presentation and discussion"

Thu, 14/06/2018

Voir le programme

Benoît Pelopidas, Nuclear Knowledges : « Introduction »

Fabricio Mendes Fialho, postdoctoral research fellow, Nuclear Knowledges

Brian Rathbun (University of Southern California): « Greater Good, Lesser Evil?: Morality and Attitudes Towards the Use of Nuclear Weapons. »

Michal Smetana, Assistant professor, Peace Research Center, Prague (with Marek Vranka, on skype) « Moral Foundations of Nuclear and Chemical Weapons “Taboo” - Evidence from an Experimental Survey »

Fabricio Mendes Fialho, postdoctoral research fellow, Nuclear Knowledges : comments on the two papers and authors’ response

Benoît Pelopidas, Nuclear Knowledges : brief comments on the two papers

Brian Rathbun and Michal Smetana : replies to the discussants and Q&A

Wed, 30/05/2018

Dans le cadre du séminaire de Nuclear Knowledges - Chaire d’excellence en études de sécurité.

Why states choose nuclear restraint? An analysis of Sweden´s nuclear weapons plans during the cold war based on primary sources.

Tue, 10/04/2018

Dans le cadre du séminaire de Nuclear Knowledges - Chaire d’excellence en études de sécurité.

Are nuclear arsenals safe from cyber-attack? Could terrorists launch a nuclear weapon through hacking? Are we standing at the edge of a major technological challenge to global nuclear order?

We are proud to welcome Andrew Futter whose ground-breaking book about the cyber threat to nuclear weapons will be published by Georgetown University Press.

Tue, 13/03/2018

Dans le cadre du séminaire de la Chaire d’excellence en études de sécurité

How to Think about Nuclear Crises
Mark Bell, University of Minnesota, and Julia Macdonald, University of Denver

Fri, 02/03/2018

Dans le cadre du séminaire de la Chaire d’excellence en études de sécurité

Nuclear Reach: Uranium Prospection and the Global Ambitions of the French Nuclear Program, 1945-1965

Avec : Dr Matthew Adamson, McDaniel College, Budapest
Discutants: Dr Roberto Cantoni, Université d'Augsbourg et Dr Sezin Topçu, EHESS

Fri, 01/12/2017

Palais des Nations, United Nations Office at Geneva

Organized by the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) with support from the Government of Switzerland

Difficult relations among some of the nuclear-armed powers have contributed to an atmosphere that lends itself to the onset of crisis. With a proportion of existing arsenals already on high alert status, the warning and decision time available to nuclear decisionmakers is short in crisis situations. How does this affect thresholds against use of nuclear weapons? What are feasible means to reduce the risk of nuclear detonations happening?

Support from UNIDIR's core funders provides the foundation for all of the Institute's activities. In addition, dedicated project funding was received from the Government of Switzerland.

Speaker(s): John Borrie, Sabrina Dallafior, Patricia Lewis, Benoît Pelopidas, Scott D. Sagan

Thu, 25/01/2018

Dans le cadre du séminaire de la Chaire d’excellence en études de sécurité

"From the Perennial Nuclear Security State to Federated Powers of Shared Nuclear Responsibility"

Avec :

Professor S. M. Amadae, Associate Professor of International Political Economy, Department of Politics and International Relations, Swansea University Research affiliate, Program on Science, Technology and Society, MIT

Tue, 12/09/2017

Presentation and discussion of the World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2017
by Mycle Schneider, Juan Rodriguez, and Andreas Rüdiger,


Wed, 16/08/2017

"The dilemmas of the public intellectual in the nuclear age", University of Canterbury in Christchurch,
16 August 2017
Benoît Pelopidas, Sciences Po-CERI, Holder of the Chair of Excellence in Security Studies


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