Ethics and taboos: the contribution of survey experiments

Thu, 14/06/2018

Voir le programme

Benoît Pelopidas, Nuclear Knowledges : « Introduction »

Fabricio Mendes Fialho, postdoctoral research fellow, Nuclear Knowledges

Brian Rathbun (University of Southern California): « Greater Good, Lesser Evil?: Morality and Attitudes Towards the Use of Nuclear Weapons. »

Michal Smetana, Assistant professor, Peace Research Center, Prague (with Marek Vranka, on skype) « Moral Foundations of Nuclear and Chemical Weapons “Taboo” - Evidence from an Experimental Survey »

Fabricio Mendes Fialho, postdoctoral research fellow, Nuclear Knowledges : comments on the two papers and authors’ response

Benoît Pelopidas, Nuclear Knowledges : brief comments on the two papers

Brian Rathbun and Michal Smetana : replies to the discussants and Q&A

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