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European Chair for Sustainable Development and Climate Transition

This interdisciplinary research and teaching chair was created in November 2020 to provide new insights for all organisations working to advance sustainable development, with a triple focus on the issues of climate transition, economic development and social inclusion.

A transdisciplinary approach

Firmly transdisciplinary in its outlook and approach, the Chair will develop integrative thinking in economics, sociology, technology and the humanities. It will place emphasis on the fundamental issues of securing social inclusion, enhancing environmental sustainability and achieving economic growth. It will promote the design and implementation of national and European public policies advancing the objectives of the UN’s 2030 Agenda and the European Green Deal.

An ecosystem of actors   

The Chair also aims to create a wide-reaching interdisciplinary and transnational ecosystem to impulse research, training and innovation around themes such as territorial well-being and social inclusion, climate finance, biodiversity conservation and climate smart infrastructure. In doing so, the Chair will open up new avenues for actively engaging citizens, businesses and public services. It will contribute to the success of major international programmes and initiatives for the protection of the planet.

Multiple objectives and initiatives 

The Chair allows Sciences Po to:

  • Consolidate and develop its offering of specialized teaching programs relating to issues of sustainable development and climate transition.
  • Enrich training of civil servants and staffs of companies and civil society organizations in executive training courses in order to enhance their capacity to effectively deal with social and environmental challenges in post-Covid-19 societies.
  • Develop innovative solutions for governments and companies thgrough research efforts to help advance the carbon neutrality commitments of the European Green Deal and the One Planet Summit.
  • Promote dialogue and exchange of strategic and policy recommendations between key stakeholders from the ecosystem, involving the humanities, natural sciences and social science disciplines.

The Chair creates a dedicated space at Sciences Po for dialogue and collaboration between researchers, professionals, students and civil society stakeholders both within Europe and beyond. Its calendar of events coincides with the major deadlines of international agreements.


Since June 1, 2022, the Chair has been led by Marc Ringel, an expert in environmental issues and a professor at Sciences Po and the University of Nürtingen Geislingen.

The chair relies on two committees:

  • The Scientific Committee, composed of experts, external partners, deans of the School of Public Affairs and the School of International Affairs. Assisting the chairholder, the Scientific Committee will annually validate the strategic direction of research, education, and outreach activities.
  • The Steering Committee, composed of the deans of the School of Public Affairs and the School of International Affairs, the chairholder, a representative from the Strategy and Development Department, and representatives from sponsors. This committee will validate the annual activity report and budget of the chair, following the strategic directions defined by the Scientific Committee.

Read the interview of M; Ringel (fr)

Become a partner

Benefit from the chair’s output

  • Integrate research findings into the company’s strategic thinking, including in anticipation of regulatory changes.
  • Take advantage of knowledge production before other market players (access a high level of expertise on these subjects, relevant to your needs).
  • Take an active part in the education of future stakeholders in the sector, particularly through innovative teaching programmes.
  • Facilitate recruitment of top candidates in these areas.

Strengthen your image and your employer brand

  • Be associated with a project whose output will feature prominently in the public arena, thanks to media coverage and a strong presence on social networks.
  • Take action through research to meet the challenge of the century.
  • Join a network of stakeholders committed to sustainable development, from the private and public sectors and civil society.
  • Be mentioned on all print and web content and publicity of the Chair’s events.




Corporate partnerships
Sophie Salin
+33 1 45 49 55 10

Individual donors
Anne-Sophie Luby
+33 1 45 49 54 72

Foundations and organisations
Marie-Zénaïde Jolys 
+33 (0)1 45 49 83 71

Research projects
Catarina Sabbatini Clec'h
+33 (0)1 45 49 55 53

US Sciences Po Foundation
Anne Scattolin
+1 917 744 5685    

Sciences Po Alumni UK Charity Trust
Cécile d’Angelin
+44 77 68 816 645