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Equal Opportunity programme (EOP)

The Equal Opportunity programme (EOP) is at the heart of our diversity and equity policy. This flagship social outreach programme, unique in France for its scope and ambition, is intended to benefit deserving students from partner high schools. The program currently has 209 partner high schools in metropolitan France and in overseas territories.

Students in front of the Sciences Po entrance (credits: Thomas Arrivé / Sciences Po)

At the beginning of the 2000s, Sciences Po decided to proactively tackle the inadequate levels of social and cultural inclusion at France’s selective higher education institutions. The EOP was created to diversify the student body at Sciences Po and expand possibilities for young people who may otherwise miss out on higher education. 

This revolutionary scheme is based on the provision of a complete set of support measures from high school through to graduation, with the aim of offering every deserving student the same opportunities to build an academic pathway of excellence.

A successful programme

Successful professional integration

Students admitted through the EOP have very similar employment outcomes to students recruited through other admission procedures: media, banking, public administration, consulting, HR, etc. By achieving their potential in a variety of sectors, these talented students have become influential players in today’s world.

98% of graduates are employed within six months of graduation.

An asset for Sciences Po and its students

The diversity of perspectives and profiles that the EOP scheme creates is an asset for all Sciences Po students. This readiness to undertake a demanding education prepares students for managing complexity and occupying leading positions in public administration or business. The social and geographical inclusion represented by EOP students is both valuable for the vitality of our student community and necessary for the pursuit of excellence.

A new dynamic in the partner high schools

Thanks to the preparatory workshops organized in the partner high schools, thousands of students have expanded their horizons to include educational opportunities they had never previously considered, illustrating the multiplier effect of the scheme. Partner high schools have seen a decrease in absenteeism, a general improvement in baccalaureate results, and a significant increase in students’ levels of ambition: although admission to Sciences Po only concerns a few individuals, the emulation effect observed in the partner high schools benefits all students.

A specific support for students though the EOP

  • Academic support

Once admitted to Sciences Po, EOP students can attend two preparatory workshops: the “Booster” programme, an intensive week of extra academic support held on the Reims campus to help students get accustomed to Sciences Po’s courses and teaching methods; and the “Passport for English” module, an intensive two-week language course based on an innovative mix of small group classes and an e-learning platform.

  • Mentoring and tutoring

Individual mentoring is offered to students to support them during their studies, and to help them grasp the subtle ins and outs of the professional world, build their network and develop their self-esteem.

  • Scholarships and social assistance

Our scholarship students benefit from a full tuition fee waiver. As part of our overall social assistance policy, scholarship students from the EOP receive a supplementary grant amounting to 75% of the government scholarship. This will allow the student to focus on their educational goals. Students with scholarships may also receive financial assistance for accommodation and a book grant in the first year. 

Scaling up the programme

  • Welcome 230 students from EOP per year by 2030.
  • Increase its coverage throughout France by working with new partner high schools in rural areas, deindustrialised zones and overseas territories, whose young people are under-represented in selective higher education.

Become an EOP partner

Support the programme as a company partner

Becoming a sponsor of the EOP means supporting our students financially and personally, a dual commitment that is fully in line with the CSR objectives of the companies involved in the programme.

Your employees at the heart of the mentoring scheme

Employees wishing to become mentors can be put in contact with students from the EOP partner high schools to help them develop their career plans. This investment is invaluable for the increasing number of students who voluntarily commit themselves to this approach: it helps them to navigate the unfamiliar professional world and clarify their ambitions for the future. 60 mentoring pairs are formed each year.

“Atelier-metiers”workshops in partner high schools

To reinforce the impact of the partner’s commitment to equal opportunities, it is possible to participate in workshops organized by one of the partner high schools in an urban or rural area or in a French overseas department. 

Your company can lead a session, in-person or remotely, focused on introducing students to professional life and the employment opportunities within your sector, and showcasing career pathways.

The annual Equal Opportunities Evening 

An equal opportunity event is held each year in the autumn to celebrate the arrival of the new cohort. It is an important event in the life of Sciences Po, bringing together sponsors, students, the educational community and partner high schools. Your company is invited, and your presence at this event is valued.

The annual EOP Partners Committee meeting

Representatives of your company will be invited to this event to review the past year, outline the future of the programme, and discuss the partners’ commitment.

Visibility on our communication materials

Your company is mentioned on all communication materials related to the EOP.

Become involved as an individual sponsor

As a donor to the EOP you have many opportunities to support students. As a fully integrated member of the Sciences Po community you are invited to the annual Equal Opportunity Evening, and can organise meeting with students, offer mentoring, or sponsor a cohort.

Sponsor a year cohort

Each year, the incoming EOP class is supported by a sponsor, whether a company or an individual donor. The launch of the sponsorship is celebrated during the academic year with a major evening event under the banner of equal opportunity and inclusion. Several meetings between the sponsor and the students of the year group are organized during their studies. 

The EOP class of 2023/2024 will be the 23rd class in the programme. Jean-Baptiste Wautier is the new sponsor of the cohort.

Philippe Cabanettes, Samir Assaf, CEO of HSBC Global Banking & Markets, Chantal Gaemperlé, Director of Human Resources at LVMH, Virginie Morgon, CEO of Eurazeo, Éric de Turckheim of the Terrévent Foundation, Alexandre Bompard, CEO of Carrefour and Jean-Claude Legrand, Chief Human Relations Officer have all been sponsors in recent years. 

Contact Us

Our team is at your disposal to answer all your questions and work with you to build a partnership that will fulfil all your expectations.

Sarah Qian del Pino
Corporate Partnerships Manager
+33 (0)1 45 49 52 78

Anne-Sophie Luby
Head of major donors Relations
+33 (0)1 45 49 54 72

Key Figures

  • 21


  • 2 800

    students enrolled since the beginning, 130 in 2022

  • 198

    partner high schools lycées partenaires

  • 50

    students mentored by employees of partner companies


Corporate partnerships
Sophie Salin
+33 1 45 49 55 10

Individual donors
Anne-Sophie Luby
+33 1 45 49 54 72

Foundations and organisations
Marie-Zénaïde Jolys 
+33 (0)1 45 49 83 71

Research projects
Catarina Sabbatini Clec'h
+33 (0)1 45 49 55 53

US Sciences Po Foundation
Anne Scattolin
+1 917 744 5685    

Sciences Po Alumni UK Charity Trust
Cécile d’Angelin
+44 77 68 816 645