Inequalities, intersectionality and vulnerability to climate change impacts
Inequalities, intersectionality and vulnerability to climate change impacts
Navarra, June 2022 - Image JMGarcestock via Shutterstock
OSC Scientific Seminar 2022-2023
Friday, September 9th 2022, 11:30 am
Sciences Po (1, Place Saint-Thomas-d'Aquin), room K011
Inequalities, intersectionality and vulnerability to climate change impacts
Samuel Rufat
Maître de conférence - CY Cergy Paris University & Institut Universitaire de France
Social vulnerability is a measure of the sensitivity of a population to climate change impacts and its ability to respond to and recover from the impacts of environmental hazards. It is considered to mirror the geographies of inequality. As public agencies are increasingly seeking tools to understand inequity in exposure and decide distribution of prevention funds, aggregated indicators of vulnerability are being considered as equity measures. However, such indices rely on single-axis frameworks with the underlying assumptions that a deficit in one dimension of vulnerability can be offset (or compensated) by a surplus in another. More recently, the intersectionality perspective has been gaining traction to offer a more nuanced mapping of vulnerability and thereby overcome binary categorizations of vulnerable groups.
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