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Our Publications
- Lucas Chancel (with Cornelia Mohren, Philipp Bothe & Gregor Semieniuk), Climate change and the global distribution of wealth, Nature Climate Change, published March 3rd 2025.
- Yann Renisio, Thomas Louail et al., “Integrating Digital Traces into Mixed Methods Designs: An Application to the Study of Online Music Listening Using Survey, Interview and Streaming History Data Collected from the Same Individuals”, Revue française de sociologie, n° 2024/1, vol. 65, p. 129-160.
- Zachary Van Winkle, Bartholomew Konechni, “Government Restrictions During the COVID-19 Pandemic & Depressive Symptoms Following Widowhood", Demography, 11790737, February 4th.
- Emanuele Ferragina (with Salvatore Citraro, Giovanni Mauro), "Burstiness in Emotions: A Case Study on Collective Affective Responses in Italian Soccer Fandoms", In: L.M. Aiello et al. (eds), Social Networks Analysis and Mining, ASONAM 2024 Conference, Springer, p. 56 - 69.
- Emanuele Ferragina (wit Teva Marescaux), L’inégalité d’accès aux crèches dans le département le plus pauvre de France, Revue [petite] enfance, n° 146, p. 76 - 86.
- Marta Dominguez-Folgueras, "Gender Ideologies in Spain: A Latent Class Approach", Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas (REIS), n° 189, p. 23-42. [Open Access]
- Zachary Van Winkle (with Tina Baier), "Parental separation and children’s genetic influences on education", Journal of Marriage and Family, First published, January 14th, 2025.
- Sophia Noel, Angela Greulich, "The Effect of Heat on Fertility in France", CRIS Working Paper, n° 2025-1, 29 p.
- Laura Silva, "Neighbourhood Effects Across Generations and the Reproduction of Inequality", The British Journal of Sociology, First published 20 January 2025.
- Ettore Recchi, "A plea for a sociology of transnational human mobility : existing evidence and prospective challenges", In: Wiebke SIEVERS, Rainer BAUBÖCK, Mathias CZAIKA and Albert KRALER (eds), Drawing boundaries and crossing borders : migration in Theorie und Praxis, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, p. 39-56, 2024.
- Sukriti Issar (with Petra Schleiter) "The Heterogeneity of Early Elections", In: Patrick Dumont, Bernard Grofman, Torbjörn Bergman, Tom Louwerse (ed.), New Developments in the Study of Coalition Governments, Springer p. 39-71.
- Rachel Le Marois, "Disability and (In)visibility Work", In: Oana Branzel & Anica Zeyen (ed.), The Routledge Compagnon to Disability and Work, 1st Edition, December 2024.
- Yann Renisio (with Radim Hladík), "Mapping knowledge: Topic analysis of science locates researchers in disciplinary landscape", Poetics, vol.108, 101950, published November 22nd, 2024.
- Emilie Grisez, « S’approprier le catholicisme ou s'en distancier. La socialisation religieuse dans les écoles primaires catholiques sous contrat », Agora Débats / Jeunesses, n° 98, p.57-73.
- Mélusine Boon-Falleur (with Jean-Baptiste André et Daniel Nettle), "Household Wealth is Associated With Perceived Trustworthiness in a Diverse Set of Countries", Social Psychological and Personality Science, First published November 11th, 2024.
- Emanuele Ferragina (with Dino Pedreschi, Luca Pappalardo, Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Albert-László Barabási et al.), "Human-AI Coevolution", Artificial Intelligence, available online November 13th.
- Mirna Safi (with Haley McAvay), "‘I am fine, but my group is not': exploring the meanings of the personal/group discrimination discrepancy among minority and majority populations", Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, published online November 1st.
- Denis Fougère (with Ghazala Azmat & Clémence Lobut), "Digital tools in the classroom: Evidence from a large-scale experiment", Sciences Po Economics Discussion Paper, n° 2024-11.
- Laura Silva, "Gendered Contexts? The Effect of Neighbourhood Socio-Economic Deprivation on Girls' and Boys' Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Development", Sociology Compass, vol. 18, n° 10, e70010, October 2024.
- Martin Aranguren, Carlo Barone et Mirna Safi, « Les enjeux de régulation éthique dans les expérimentations de terrain en sciences humaines et sociales », L'Année sociologique, vol. 74, n° 2024/2, p. 475-494.
- Martin Aranguren,"Racial discrimination in helping situations depends on the cost of help: A large field experiment in the streets of Paris", The British Journal of Sociology, First published, October 8th, 2024.
- Bastian Betthäuser (with Miriam Siglreitmaier & Anette E. Fasang), "Change and Inequality in German Teenagers’ Typical Time-Use Sequences Between 1991 and 2013", Journal of Time Use Research, October 2024.
- Mirna Safi (with Olivier Godechot et al.), "The Great Separation: Top Earner Segregation at Work in Advanced Capitalist Economies", American Journal of Sociology, vol. 130, n° 2, p. 293-537.
- Zachary Van Winkle (with Nicole Kapelle), "Changes in Household Wealth Over the Process of Widowhood Across european Countries", The Journals of Gerontology, Series B, vol. 79, n° 10, gbae 116.
- Lidia Panico (with Franco Bonomi Bezzo & Anne Solaz), "Socio-economic gradients in pupils’ self-efficacy: evidence, evolution and main drivers during the primary school years in France", Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, First Published 26th August 2024.
- Agnès van Zanten (avec Léon Marbach), « Logique cumulative ou logique compensatoire ? L’encastrement des choix d’études supérieures dans des réseaux familiaux et amicaux », In: P.-Y. Bernard, C. Michaut et J. Resnik (dir.), Les nouvelles politiques scolaires: En hommage à Yves Dutercq, Presses universitaires de Rennes, septembre 2024
- Emanuele Ferragina (avec Federico Filetti), « Protection du marché du travail dans l’espace et dans le temps. Une typologie et une taxonomie des trajectoires de changement dans les pays de l’Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE) », Revue des politiques sociales et familiales, 2024/2, n°151.
- Lidia Panico (avec Anne Solaz), « Congé parental, modes d’accueil dans la petite enfance et fécondité », Informations sociales, 2023/3, n° 211, p. 51-56, 2024.
- Rébecca Lévy-Guillain, "Reshuffling the Masculinities Deck: How Subordinate Men From Progressive Privileged Social Backgrounds Mobilize Sexual Consent Narratives to Enhance Their Social Status", Men and Masculinities, Online First June 19th, 2024.
- Zachary Van Winkle (with A. Fasang & Rob Gruijters), "The life course boat: A theoretical framework for analyzing variation in family lives across time, place, and social location", Journal of Marriage and Family, First Published June 18th, 2024.
- Isabelle Langrock (with Marcelo S O Goncalves, Jack LaViolette, Katie Spoon), "Book bans in political context: Evidence from US schools", PNAS Nexus, vol. 3, Issue 6, June 2024.
- Carlo Barone (with Estelle Herbaut), "Decision-Making mecanisms, information and educational inequalities", In: E. Kilpi-Jakonen, J. Blanden, J. Erola, L. Macmillan, Research Handbook on Intergenerational Inequality, Edward-Elgar, 2024.
- Martin Aranguren, "Adding experiments to the classical survey-interview mix: A three-method design for supporting micro-to-macro explanations in sociology", Resarch in Social Stratification and Mobility, vol. 91, 10093, June 2024.
- Lidia Panico (et al.), "Gradients in low birthweight by maternal education: A comparative perspective", SSM - Population Health, vol. 26, 101674, June 2024.
- Carlo Barone (et al.), "Metacognition as a mediator of the relation between family SES and language and mathematical abilities in preschoolers", Scientific Reports, 14, n° 10392, Published May 6th 2024.
- Emanuele Ferragina (with Alessandro Arrigoni), "The social and political bases of political economy: interpreting and periodising Italian developments since WWII", New Political Economy, Published Online April 25th.
- Lidia Panico (with Anne Solaz et al.), "Does Family Structure Account for Child Achievement Gaps by Parental Education? Findings for England, France, Germany and the United States", Population and Development Review, First Published, April 15th 2024.
- Emanuele Ferragina, "The ‘two lives’ of Esping-Andersen and the revival of a research programme: Gender equality, employment and redistribution in contemporary social policy", Social Policy & Administration, March 23rd 2024.
- Lucas Chancel (et al.), Income and Wealth Inequality in India, 1922-2023: The Rise of the Billionaire Raj, World Inequality Lab, WP n° 2024/09, March, 85 p.
- Rébecca Lévy-Guillain, Le désir est un sport de combat, Arkhé, 2024, 240 p.
- Maricia Fischer-Souan, "Belonging to the nation, belonging to Europe? Varieties of particularism and universalism in migrant identity negotiation", Journal of Contemporary European Studies, Online February 8th.
- Audrey Chamboredon, Agnès van Zanten (avec Christophe Birolini et Alice Olivier), « "Même mes pauses consistent à réviser" : la première année d’études de santé et ses "à-côtés" », Agora débats/jeunesses, 2024/1, n° 96, p. 115-130.
- Ettore Recchi, Mirna Safi (Ed.), Handbook of Human Mobility and Migration, Edward Elgar, 2024, 320 p.
- Sukriti Issar, "The Hustler and the Mooch: Slavery in Late Eighteenth-Century Bombay", Slavery & Abolition, Published online 25 January 2024.
- Carlo Barone, Denis Fougère (with Karine Martel), "Reading Aloud to Children, Social Inequalities and Vocabulary Development: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial", Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, Published online 3 January.
- Maël Ginsburger (avec Hélène Gorge), « Société de consommation et pratiques environnementales », In: Paul Cary et Bruno Villalba (dirs.), Sociologie de l'environnement, Atlande, 2024.
- Olivier Monso (avec Audrey Farges), « Fréquenter l'internat à l'entrée du lycée a-t-il un impact sur la réussite scolaire ? Une évaluation sur les lycées publics de l'Éducation nationale », Education & Formations, vol. 2024/1, n° 106, p. 109-142.
Publications by year (prev. OSC)
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- Collection Notes & Documents de l'OSC (2007-2016)
- Collection OSC Papers (2017-2023)
- Older issues (paper format) can be viewed in our archives (Cahiers de l'Observatoire Sociologique du Changement).