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PhD Placements
CRIS Alumnis
CRIS promotes the academic and non-academic professional integration of doctoral students. Our goal is to prepare our doctoral students for the international academic market while continuing to guarantee them a very good integration in France job market.
Doctoral training at CRIS is distinguished by the importance it gives to internationalization: training in scientific writing and oral presentation in English, setting up professionalization workshops, encouragement and funding to participate in international conferences, workshops and events to promote networking with international researchers, collaborations and exchanges with guest researchers, communication on international opportunities and funding for mobility. It is also important to highlight the strong encouragement of international publication (with funding for the linguistic editing of articles).
CRIS supports doctoral students as much as possible after the defense by supporting their efforts to publish their doctoral work.
Young doctors at CRIS also have the opportunity to apply for associate researcher status at the end of their doctorate and funding as part of the promotion of their thesis work.
Academic jobs in the public sector affect more than half of doctors trained in the OSC. Then, there are followed by two groups of jobs, more or less equal: the careers of research assistant or engineer on the one hand, the expertise functions in public or private organizations, in French or international on the other hand.
Examples of professional positions
International organizations
Noémie Le Donné (2015), analyste à l'OCDE, Direction Education and skills, équipe TALIS
Lili Ji (2011), assistant programme specialist, International Bureau of Education, Unesco, Genève
- Federico Filetti (2022), Postdoctoral fellow, King's College London
- Mathieu Ferry (2021), Senior lecturer, UVSQ - Printemps
- Coline Ferrant (2020), Assistant Professor, TSI AUCA, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, following by Habib University (Karachi, Pakistan)
- Solène Brun (2019), Postdoctoral fellow, Institut Convergences Migrations, following by Senior lecturer, EHESS, IRIS
- Quentin Ramond (2019), Assistant Professor, Center for Social Conflict and Cohesion Studies, Universidad catolica, Santiago de Chile
- Lorraine Bozouls (2019), Senior lecturer, University of Limoges - Gresco
- Alice Olivier (2018), Senior lecturer, ESPE Lille, Clersé
- Josué Gimel (2018), Senior lecturer, INSA/Université Polytechnique Hauts de France, LARSH
- Juliette Galonnier (2017), Assistant Professor, Sciences Po, CERI
- Haley McAvay (2016), Senior lecturer in Sociology, University of York
- Yoann Demoli (2015), Senior lecturer, Printemps, University of Saint-Quentin en Yvelines ; following by University of Lille
- Annabelle Allouch (2015), Senior lecturer, University of Picardie, Amiens, CURAPP
- Clément Rivière (2014), Senior lecturer, University of Lille, CeRIES
- Géraldine Farges (2011), Senior lecturer, IREDU, University of Bourgogne
- Ugo Palheta (2010), Senior lecturer, University of Lille-3 & Cresppa-CSU
- Bruno Cousin (2008), Senior lecturer, University of Lille 1, CLERSÉ, following by CEE - Sciences Po
- Camille Peugny (2007), Professor, UVSQ, Printemps,
- Laura Silva (2023), Postdoctoral fellow, Paris School of Economics
- Marta Facchini (2023), Postdoctoral fellow, INVEST Research Flagship Centre, University of Turku (Finland)
- Capucine Rauch (2022), Postdoctoral fellow (iPOPs), University of Strasbourg, SAGE
- Ole Hexel (2020), Research Scientist, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (Rostock)
- Louise Caron (2019), Marine Haddad (2018), Milan Bouchet-Valat (2015), Mathieu Ichou (2014), Marie Bergström (2014), Research Fellow, INED
- Claire Cosquer (2018), Senior FNS Researcher, UNIL (Lausanne) - Institute of Social Science and Centre for Gender Studies
- Margot Delon (2017), Associated scientist CNRS, Centre nantais de sociologie - CENS Nantes
- Pierre Pénet (2014), Associated scientist, CNRS & Professor IDHES - ENS Saclay
- Céline Goffette, (2012), Research officer, Cereq, following by Senior lecturer at CREST-LSQ
- Jules Naudet (2010), Centre de Sciences Humaines in New Delhi (MAE-CNRS), following by Associated Scientist CNRS, CEIAS (EHESS).
- Jean-François Mignot (2009), Associated Scientist CNRS, GEMASS (Université Paris-Sorbonne)
- Marie Plessz (2009), Associated Scientist, INRAE, Centre Maurice Halbwachs.
Civil service
- Adrien Papuchon (2014), responsable Pôle études sur la redistribution à la DREES (Direction de la recherche, des études, de l’évaluation et des statistiques - Ministère des Affaires sociales, de la Santé et des Droits des femmes)
- Anne-Sophie Cousteaux (2011), responsable éditoriale à l' INSEE, puis Cheffe de la mission Expérimentation et évaluation des politiques publiques de l'INJEP
- Thibaut de Saint Pol (2008), administrateur (DREES), Centre de recherche en économie et statistique (CREST), chercheur associé à l'OSC et à l'ENS. Directeur de l'INJEP (2016) puis Directeur de cabinet de la Secrétaire d'État chargée de la Jeunesse et de l'engagement et directeur adjoint du cabinet du Ministre de l'Éducation nationale (2021).