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Les séminaires

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Séances du Séminaire scientifique 2024-2025 

  • Vendredi 14 février, Kathryn Edin (Princeton University), The Injustice of Place
  • Vendredi 21 février, Isabel Raabe (University of Zürich), Deviant Behaviour and Social Status: Dynamics of resistance behaviour in classrooms
  • Vendredi 7 mars,  Olivier Godechot (Sciences Po - CRIS & AxPo), Return on team moves: First steps of a long term project on fission(-fusion) mechanisms in social life
  • Vendredi 14 mars, Camille Portier ( European University Institute), Occupational autonomy, paid maternity leave and mothers' return to work after childbirth
  • Vendredi 21 mars, Daniel Nettle (ENS), Poverty and the mind: Current directions
  • Vendredi 28 mars, Arantxa Rodríguez-Uribe (PSE / J-Pal), Growing up inside the invisible frontier : the effect of gang’s territorial control on youth’s human capital accumulation
  • Vendredi 4 avril, Sebastian Goudeau (INSPE Poitiers, Niort, CeRCA - SoCog), The early roots of educational inequalities in preschool
  • Vendredi 11 avril, Paola Tubaro (ENSAE - CREST)
  • Vendredi 18 avril, Mélusine Boon-Falleur (Sciences Po - CRIS), Wealth and perceived trustworthiness: negative stereotypes towards low-income individuals?

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