Angela Greulich
Angela Greulich (Photo Alexis Lecomte/Sciences Po)
contact: angela.greulich(at)
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Angela Greulich is junior fellow of the Institut universitaire de France (IUF), 2021-2026.
Thèmes de recherche - Research Interests
Démographie Economique ; Différentiels socio-économiques des comportements démographiques ; Fécondité et emploi parental ; Politiques publiques et familiales ; Bien-être subjectif, Violence domestique.
My research focusses on interactions between demographic dynamics, women’s working activities and social policies and in European countries. I am particularly interested in socio-economic differentials of fertility behaviour, their context dependency and their implications for family and labour market policies. My analyses are based on European survey data (mainly EU-SILC) in combination with aggregate data from the OECD Family Data Base and the Human Fertility Data Base.
- 2025 (with Sophia Noel), "The Effect of Heat on Fertility in France", CRIS Working Paper, n° 2025-1, 29 p.
- 2023 (with Laurent Toulemon), "Measuring the educational gradient of period fertility in 28 European countries: A new approach based on parity-specific fertility estimates", Demographic Research, vol. 49, art. 34, p. 905-968. Available online in open access
PLOS ONE, online 16 November. Open access paper
- 2022 (with Laurent Toulemon), "New methods for measuring the educational gradient of period fertility in Europe. A Bayesian approach based on parity-specific fertility estimates using harmonized survey data", OSC Papers, n° 2022-4, June. Open access paper
- 2022 (with Sonja Spitzer and Bernhard Hammer), "The subjective cost of young children: A European comparison", Social Indicators Research, published 15 May. Open access paper
- 2021(with Andrew E. Clark and Hippolyte d’Albis), "The age U-shape in Europe: the protective role of partnership", Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2021, Demographic Aspects of Human Wellbeing, vol. 19. Paper available online
- 2021 (with Nguyen Thang Dao, Julio Dávila), "The education gender gap and the demographic transition in developing countries", Journal of Population Economics, vol. 34, n° 2, p. 431-474. Doi 10.1007/s00148-020-00787-1
- 2019 (avec Hippolyte d'Albis, Carole Bonnet, Xavier Chojnicki, Najat El Mekkaoui, Jérôme Hubert et Julien Navaux), "Financing the Consumption of the Young and Old in France", Population and Development Review, vol. 45, n° 1, p. 103-132. Paper available online
- 2018 (avec Aurélien Dasré), « Observer le nombre d'enfants avec les données EU-SILC », Revue Population, n° 4. French version (CAIRN) - English version (Observing the number of children with EU-SILC – a quantification of biases)
- 2018 (avec H. D’Albis, A. Greulich, G. Ponthière), “Development, Fertility and Childbearing Age: A Unified Growth Theory”, Journal of Economic Theory, vol. 177, p. 461-494. Doi 10.1016/j.jet.2018.07.004
Projets de recherche en cours
- « ACADEMICS - le rôle des publications scientifiques sur l’évolution des carrières des universitaires en France - y a-t'il une différence entre hommes et femmes ? » (avec Jérôme Tourbeaux, Alain Chenu, Yannick Savina et Bernard Corminboeuf).
- “The ambiguous impact of women’s economic empowerment on domestic violence against women in Turkey”, avec Aurélien Dasré (Univ. Nanterre, CRESPPA-CSU) et Ceren Inan.
- “The importance of parental employment stability for fertility decisions– a multiple-imputation approach with European survey data”, avec Michael Rendall (Maryland Population Research Center).
- “The later, the more? A comparative analysis of the link between the timing and the intensity of childbirth in European countries”, avec Laurent Toulemon (INED).
Responsabilités scientifiques - Scientific Responsabilities
- Investigatrice principale du projet transnational « AgeWellAccounts » (2017-2020).