Comparing the social economic & cultural impact of Covid-19 on Europeans with high-quality survey data
Comparing the social economic & cultural impact of Covid-19 on Europeans with high-quality survey data
- Image Fabio Mitidieri (via Shutterstock)
Comparing the social, economic and cultural impact of Covid-19 on Europeans
with high-quality survey data
Workshop - 9th of December 2021
Observatoire Sociologique du Changement, Sciences Po,
On-site (Paris) – Also in hybrid format via Zoom
This workshop gathers social researchers from four countries (France, Germany, Italy and the UK) who uniquely followed representative samples of national population during the Covid-19 pandemic tracking continuities and changes in social life and attitudes. Drawing on panel or panel-like datasets, we particularly aim to assess whether the pandemic altered pre-existing social inequalities or created new cleavages.
The workshop will mainly address four issues: health and well-being; work and economic conditions; gender and generational relations; and social attitudes. Each research team will present national findings with a view to a preliminary meta-analysis and a possible more integrated comparative take on the issues at stake in a future publication.
Participating teams
- France: Researchers of the ‘Coping with Covid’ project (OSC/Sciences Po)
- Germany: Researchers of the Mannheim Corona study (University of Mannheim)
- UK: Researchers of Understanding Society (University of Essex) and British Social Attitudes (Natcen)
- Italy: Researchers of the ResPOnsE study (University of Milan)
Workshop program
- 8.45 Welcome and introduction to the workshop
Ettore Recchi (director, CoCo project) - 08.50-9.15 Focus on our data (one researcher per dataset)
- 9.15-10.45 Session 1: The impact on health and well being
Marta Pasqualini & Ettore Recchi (OSC), Elias Naumann (Mannheim), Alita Nandi (Essex), Francesco Molteni (Milan)
Coffee break
- 11.00-12.30 Session 2: The impact on work and economic conditions
Andrew Zola & Katharina Tittel (OSC), Katja Moehring (Mannheim), Piotr Marzec (Essex), Marco Maraffi & Marta Moroni (Milan)
Lunch break
- 14-15.30 Session 3: The impact on gender and generational relations
Marta Dominguez Folgueras & Marta Pasqualini (OSC), Maximiliane Reifenscheid & Katja Moehring (Mannheim), Anne McMunn (UCL), Giulia Dotti Sani (Milan)
Coffee break
- 15.45-17.15 Session 4: The impact on social attitudes
Emanuele Ferragina & Andrew Zola (OSC), Elias Naumann & Katja Moehring (Mannheim), John Curtice & Dominic Abrams (Natcen), Ferruccio Biolcati Rinaldi, Riccardo Ladini, Nicola Maggini Francesco Molteni (Milan)
17.15-18.00 Final discussion: advancing a comparative perspective, plans for publication
This workshop is intended for a limited audience.
Suggestion of Papers
- Ethnic disparities in health & social care workers’ exposure, protection, and clinical management of the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK [LINK]
- Is Democracy Effective against Coronavirus? An Analysis of Citizens' Opinions in Italy [LINK]
- Pandemic’s effects on feelings of depression in Italy: The role of age, gender and individual experiences during the first lockdown [LINK]
- Is the Recession a ‘Shecession’? Gender Inequality in the Employment Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany [LINK]
- New values, new divides? The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on public attitudes [LINK]