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Doctorants accueillis

Le CRIS est heureux d'accueillir chaque année universitaire un nombre limité de chercheurs invités juniors et seniors. Merci de prendre connaissance des conditions d'accueil et de la procédure pour candidater :
Visiting scholars have access to a desk in a shared open workspace, along with access to the internet, library, and Sciences Po's numerous resources.
Visiting scholars have also the opportunity to present their work in a research seminar, collaborate with other members of CRIS, and benefit from discussing ongoing research projects. They are expected to interact with CRIS faculty and doctoral students and participate in the regular life of the center, including attending the weekly research seminar.
CRIS is unable to provide funding for visiting researchers; however, a visitor may benefit from external funding.To apply to be a visiting scholar at CRIS, please make contact ahead of time with a researcher at CRIS who fits your research area, as the CRIS faculty member will be your host. If the CRIS faculty member is available to act as your host, please fill out this form. Then, your application will be examined by the CRIS board, which usually meets every six weeks and, if it is approved, you will be issued an invitation letter. Please make sure to apply at least 4 months before the start of the visiting stay. Download here the Form of Undertaking for Visiting Scholars (pdf)

Our last Visitings 

Haohao Lei, is welcomed within the OxPo academic exchange network (Sciences Po & University of Oxford), 3 months, between January & April 2025. 

Haohao Lei (crédits : Tom Weller Photography)

Haohao is currently working on the second chapter of his DPhil thesis, which explores the integration of social sequence analysis into the study of deaths of despair and U.S. mortality—an area that remains largely unexamined. His research applies sequence analysis to Health and Retirement Study life history data to investigate whether individuals’ family formation and employment trajectories have increasingly diverged from the traditional life course patterns of the 1950s in the U.S. and whether this shift contributes to mortality inequality and deaths of despair. 
He is also refining his first chapter, which aims to develop a more suitable indicator for deaths of despair research by applying methods derived from sequence analysis
Additionally, he is engaged in a side project based on his MPhil thesis, which examines the strength of the association between fertility and employment across the life course in different European countries. Furthermore, he currently has an article under review that tests the country-level U-shaped relationship between gender equality and fertility.

Abraham García González, FPU PhD candidate, Autonomous University of Barcelona (Centre for Sociological Studies on Everyday Life and Work QUIT - Institute for Labour Studies). His thesis deals with the relationship between social inequality (observed from the social mobility approach) and health for the Spanish population in recent years. Having evaluated the socioeconomic and health factors descriptively, associatively and causally, he is currently at Sciences Po Paris completing the fourth chapter of the thesis results, focused on implementing a structural equation model (SEM) that summarises the interaction effects of each variable and helps to explain the mechanisms behind social inequalities in health. Visiting September 16th-December 15th. To find out more

Jianji Chen, PhD Student in Demography at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He's working on the economic wellbeing of older widows/ers. Visiting between March 1st and April 30th 2024 on the Supervision of Zachary Van Winkle.

Aya Jibet, PhD Student in Economics at New York University (Chateaubriand Fellowship Program & GRI Research Fellow). Visiting2023-2025. Her research focuses on the economics of education and labor economics. She is interested in the relationship between access to higher education, inequality, and social mobility. Evaluating the effects of the Priority Education Convention program at Sciences Po: an affirmative action program in the French higher education context. 

Flavia Couto e Silva, Bachelor Student at University of Sao Paulo. Partnership  Sciences Po and  Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas. Scholarship Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo - FAPESP. Research Visiting between 1st September and 31th December 2023 under the supervision of Yann Renisio.

Arno Yeramyan, PhD Student in Sociology, University of Milano Bicocca. Visiting during one year between September 2023 and September 2024, under the supervision of Angela Greulich. He conducts a thesis titled Turkish Women and Labor Participation: A Comparative Study of Migrant Turkish Women in France and Their Non-Migrant Counterparts in Turkey. He plans to carry out qualitative interviews in the greater Paris region and to follow Sciences Po courses on labor markets, research methods and migration.

Austin Vo, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Visiting between March 2023 and March 2024. Centering the perspectives of Vietnamese and Senegalese political actors, his project explores internal divisions regarding self-determination and membership in the colonial French empire. Supervision: Sukriti Issar.

Nubin Ciziri, Uppsala University (Department of Education). Visiting between January and June 2023. In her thesis, currently being written, she questions the transferability of family resources in the context of the migration of refugees in Sweden and studies their relationship to education according to contrasting resources.

Clemens Aeppli, Harvard University, visiting between September 1st - April 1st 2023 (Sciences Po / Harvard exchange programme). He is interested in how race and the organization of work intersect to form inequality in the United States. Supervision: Olivier Godechot. 

Kilian Winz, Université de Genève, Groupes Genevois d'analyse des politiques éducatives, Assistant, docteur en sciences de l'éducation. Invité du CRIS du 1er septembre au 1er décembre, sous la supervision de Agnès van Zanten. Rédaction d'un article comprenant une analyse comparative de la réforme des des lycées en France et dans un canton de Suisse Romande.

Nathalie Vigna, Université de Lausanne - ISS, visiting between September 1st and December 31th 2022, on the supervision of Carlo Barone. She is working on different aspects of social stratification, notably comparing objective and subjective measures, as well as geographical differences in several European countries.

Nathan Hoffman, doctorant en sociologie à UCLA, accueilli du 1er juin au 31 juillet 2022 sous la supervision de Mirna Safi. Il travaille sur la formation des migrants et la mobilité sociale intergénérationnelle. Il utilise notamment des données de l'enquête Trajectoires et Origines 2.

Jorunn Kaasa, doctorante à la Norwegian University for Science and Technology. Son sujet de thèse : immigration, intégration et mobilité soviale sur le marché du travail norvégien. Séjour du 7 mars au 31 mai 2022 sous la supervision de Mirna Safi.

Leonie Westhoff, doctorante à l'Université de Oxford, Department of Social Policy and Intervention. Accueillie de février à mars 2022, dans le cadre du programme d'échange Oxpo, sous la supervision de Emanuele Ferragina. Elle étudie les transformations du marché du travail sous l'angle des formes atypiques d'emploi (temporaire, auto-entrepreneuriat...) et leurs conséquences sur les revenus des travailleurs.

EN 2019-2020

  • Janina Beckmann, Université de Cologne, Institute of Sociology and Social Psychology, septembre - décembre 2019
  • Jacob Garrett, Université de l'Utah (USA). Plusieurs séjours de 2019 à 2021
  • Tabea Schroer, Leibniz Center for Science and Society (LCSS) à Hannovre, septembre 2019 - février 2020
  • Amy Jones, Université du Wisconsin à Madison, septembre - décembre 2019 (LIEPP / OSC)

EN 2018-2019

  • Philippa Mullins, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), 1er avril - 30 juin 2019
  • Thaíssa Bispo Souza, doctorante à l'IESP/UERJ (Institut d'Études Politiques et Sociales, Université de Rio de Janeiro) - septembre 2018 - janvier 2019
  • Noa Achouche Sulzer, Tel Aviv University, 1er semestre universitaire 2018-2019