Federico Danilo Filetti

Docteur en sociologie
  • Federico Danilo Filetti (CRIS)Federico Danilo Filetti (CRIS)

Federico Filetti is Postdoctoral research associate at the King's College London, starting in December 2022.

Sujet de thèse - Dissertation Title

Labour market protection and family policy in high-income countries: continuity and change (1990-2020)
Les politiques de protection du travail et les politiques familiales dans les pays à revenu élevé : continuité et changement (1990-2020)

Abstract / Résumé

Directeur de thèse : Emanuele Ferragina (Sciences Po - CRIS)

Financement : bourse doctorale du LIEPP

Soutenance de thèse / Thesis Defense: Thursday 17th November 2022 at Sciences Po.
Board: Rossella CICCIA (University of Oxford, DSPI), Emanuele FERRAGINA (Directeur de recherche, Sciences Po - CRIS), Olivier GIRAUD (CNAM, CNRS - Lise), Angela GREULICH (Sciences Po - CRIS), Martin SEELEIB-KAISER (University of Tübingen - Institute of Political Science & University of Oxford-DPSI).


  • 2024 (avec Emanuele Ferragina), « Protection du marché du travail dans l’espace et dans le temps. Une typologie et une taxonomie des trajectoires de changement dans les pays de l’Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE) », Revue des politiques sociales et familiales, 2024/2, n°151, p. 39-58. En ligne sur CAIRN
  • 2023 (with A. Arrigoni, E. Ferragina), "Assessing Labour Market Policy Change", In: Daniel Clegg, Niccolo Durazzi (Eds.), Handbook of Labour Market Policy in Rich Democracies, Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • 2022 (with Emanuele Ferragina), "Labour market protection across space and time: A revised typology and a taxonomy of countries’ trajectories of change", Journal of European Social Policy, First Published 11 January. Paper available online on Sage Journals
  • 2022 (with Emanuele Ferragina), "Labour market protection across space and time", Journal of European Social Policy blog, 11 May. Post available online
  • 2021 (with Emanuele Ferragina), "Eppur si muove: labourmarket protection varieties and trajectories of change across 21 high-income countries and three decades", LIEPP Working Paper n° 119, May 2021. Available online
  • 2020 (with Emanuele Ferragina), "Income Security and the Policy Responses to COVID-19 Crisis in Italy", International Labor Brief, vol. 18, n° 10, p. 18-30. Issue Available online, on Korea Labor Institute [KO]
  • 2020 (with Emanuele Ferragina), "Income Security and the Policy Responses to COVID-19 Crisis in France",  International Labor Brief, vol. 18, n° 10, p. 31-40. Issue Available online, on Korea Labor Institute [KO]

Communications - Presentations

  • 2022, "Family policy expansion as ‘Scandinization’?: Evaluating trajectories of change in 17 high-income countries over three decades (1990-2015)", ESPANET 2022 Conference, Vienna, 15th September.
  • 2021, "Next Generation Labour", European Feltrinelli Camp 2021 (Workshop), Milan, 12th/13th November.
  • 2021, “Human / Machine. What kind of Europe for employment and rights?”, Workshop Ok Europe, Fondazione Feltrinelli, Paris, 4th November.
  • 2021, “Eppur si muove: labour market protection varieties and trajectories of change across 21 high-income countries and three decades”, ESPAnet Conference, 31st August.
  • 2021, “Eppur si muove: labour market protection varieties and trajectories of change across 21 high-income countries and three decades”, Graduate Network Conference, Sciences Po, Paris, 25th February.
  • 2021 (with Emanuele Ferragina), "Eppur si muove : labour market protection varieties andtrajectories of change across 21 high-income countriesand three decades", 9ème Congrès de l'Association Française de Sociologie, Changer !, RT6 - Politiques sociales, protection sociale et solidarités, session "Caractériser et théoriser le changement dans et par les politiques sociales",Wednesday 7th July.
  • 2020, "The Political Economy of Labour Market Liberalization in high-income countries: Can We Still Talk About Varieties?", OSC Scientific Seminar, 6th November.
Article mis à jour le 12-07-2024
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