Florian Andersen
Florian Andersen (CRIS)
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Sujet de thèse - Dissertation Title
Understanding Labor Flow Networks and Wage Inequality: An Analysis of Career Trajectories and Labor Market Dynamics
Supervisors: Olivier Godechot (CNRS, Sciences Po-CRIS) & Philipp Brandt (Sciences Po-CSO)
Funding: Doctoral Contract for work in “Returns to Work in Occupational, Relational, and Corporate Settings” ERC Starting Grant Project 2023 under direction of Philipp Brandt (2023 - 2028).
My dissertation delves into the intricate dynamics of wage inequality within modern labor markets, focusing on the shifts in career opportunities, occupational, and organizational boundaries that have occurred since the 1970s in (post-)industrialized countries. Drawing upon a vast array of interdisciplinary research and network analysis, it aims to decipher the mechanisms behind wage disparities and career trajectories within the institutional contexts of France and Germany.
"The Political Economy of Further Training: The Impact of Collective Bargaining Contracts on Employer Investments and Participation", DNGPS Working Paper, 01/2020.