Julie Pereira
Julie Pereira (CRIS)
Sujet de thèse - Dissertation Title
Evaluating arts education policies: cultural redistribution and school remediation
Directeur de thèse - Thesis Director: Philippe Coulangeon (CNRS, Sciences Po - CRIS)
Financement - Funding: Contrat doctoral Sciences Po
Doctoral Defense, April 1st, 2025, at Sciences Po.
My main research interests lie at the intersection of culture and education, and my PhD thesis is built around three main questions:
- To what extent, and how, can arts education programs contribute to reduce educational and cultural inequalities?
- How to critically analyse the growing role of private partners, especially philanthropic organisations, in these programs?
- How are these arts education programs currently being evaluated, and how could that be improved from a public policy standpoint?
My doctoral research relies on the impact evaluation of the project “Un violon dans mon école”, which teaches violin to disadvantaged pupils aged 4 to 8 years old, in more than 40 schools. This program is funded by a philanthropic organization called the Vareille foundation.
In this context, I implemented a counterfactual quasi-experimental approach, comparing the children participating in the program to a control group with similar characteristics. I conducted cognitive, non-cognitive and musical tests ex-ante, and also used national data to carry on the longitudinal analysis of the programme’s effects. Using entropy balancing, test and control groups are rendered more similar by equalising the distribution of the initial cognitive and non-cognitive skills; as well as sociodemographic characteristics.
To complement this mainly quantitative approach, I also conducted interviews with various stakeholders (schoolteachers, violin teachers, parents, philanthropists) and ethnographic observation in some chosen schools.
- 2022 (avec Philippe Coulangeon), « Évaluer l’impact de l’éducation artistique et culturelle : Enjeux méthodologiques et défis politiques », In: Anne Jonchery et Sylvie Octobre (dir.), L’Education artistique et culturelle: Une utopie au prisme des sciences sociales, Ministère de la Culture/Presses de Sciences Po, col. Questions de culture, p. 89 - 110. Texte disponible en ligne sur Cairn
communications - presentations
- 2023 (avec Philippe Coulangeon), « Du violon dans des écoles maternelles défavorisées, entre mobilité sociale et arbitraire culturel : quels effets pour quels publics ?, 10ème Congrès de l'AFS, Intersections Circulations, RT4 Sociologie de l'éducation et de la formation, Lyon, vendredi 7 juillet
- 2023 (with Philippe Coulangeon), "Assessing the Efficiency and Redistributive Impact of a Musical Intervention Program in French Pre-Elementary Schools. Lessons from a Quasi-Experiment", XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Melbourne, June 30
- 2022, « Évaluer l’impact de l’éducation artistique et culturelle (EAC) : enjeux méthodologiques et défis politiques », Séminaire organisé par la Mairie de Bordeaux, 31 mars 2022.
- 2022, « Un violon dans mon école : l’influence de la pratique musicale sur le développement des jeunes enfants et leurs parcours scolaires », Conférence de lancement du programme IDEE "La recherche expérimentale au service de l'éducation", Paris, 28 novembre 2022.
enseignements - teaching
- Introduction to Sociology, Sciences Po (Reims), 1st-year bachelor students (2 classes during spring 2021 and 2 classes during spring 2022).
- Data and Statistics, Sciences Po (Paris), 1st-year masters students (1 workshop in August 2021, 1 class during fall 2021, 1 class during fall 2022).