Laudine Carbuccia
Laudine Carbuccia (CRIS)
laudine.carbuccia(at) - Personal Website
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Laudine Carbuccia est affiliée au LIEPP
Sujet de thèse - Dissertation Title
The cognitive and structural determinants of the early childcare enrolment gap according to socioeconomic background (provisional title)
Directeur de thèse : Carlo Barone (Sciences Po - CRIS et LIEPP) et Coralie Chevallier (LNCC, ENS)
Financement : Contrat doctoral Sciences Po (2021-2024) Lauréate 2022 de la bourse de recherche de la Fondation Mustela
While the use of ECEC is a very effective lever for reducing developmental inequalities in early childhood, these facilities are themselves marked by strong inequalities in access. Understanding the reason of these inequalities in access is therefore crucial. Affordability and accessibility barriers (e.g., shortage of places, access criteria) are known to hinder participation of underprivileged families to ECEC. However, we have shown in a previous systematic review and meta-analysis that information barriers (e.g., underprivileged parents overestimate the costs of these facilities) could also contribute to these access inequalities. The goal of my dissertation is to investigate these information barriers to ECEC for underprivileged parents through a Randomised Controlled Trial design in the French context, and to compare them with accessibility and accessibility barriers.
- 2024, Demand-side determinants of the socioeconomic gap in ECEC enrollment in France, Report, Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Pubic Policies (LIEPP) and the Caisse Nationale des Allocations Famiiales, May, 90p. Downloadable via Hal Sciences Po
- 2023 (with Valentin Thouzeau, Carlo Barone et Coralie Chevallier), "Unequal access to early childcare: What role do demand-side factors play? A PRISMA systematic review", LIEPP Working Paper, n° 138, January. Open Access publication
- 2022 (avec Carlo Barone), « Les politiques d’accompagnement au développement des capacités des jeunes enfants », L'essentiel, n° 206, Caisse Nationale des Allocations Familiales, col. Etudes et recherche. Visible et téléchargeable en ligne
- 2020, "Interventions to foster academic aspirations adjustment among disadvantaged and female students - A PRISMA systematic review of literature", LIEPP Working Papers, n° 114, November. Open Access publication
- 2020 (avec Carlo Barone, Grégoire Borst, Angela Greulich, Lidia Panico et Maxime Tô), Revue de littérature sur les politiques d'accompagnement au développement des capacités des jeunes enfants, Rapport du LIEPP, juillet, 192 p.
Communications - Presentations
- 2024, "Learning Together for Children’s Learning: An Interdisciplinary Convening", J-PAL seminar, June 19th [Website] and July 3rd, Family Dynamics and Social Inequality Workshop, Hertie School, Berlin.
- 2024, "Structural and cognitive determinants of the socioeconomic gap in early childcare enrollment", Workshop LIEPP/PRESAGE, Who takes care? Early childcare, inequalities and women's professional careers, Sciences Po, June 12th. Website
- 2022, « Déterminants des inégalités d’accès aux crèches : un essai randomisé contrôlé à la méthodologie mixte », Séminaire d'intégration du LIEPP, 21 juin.
- 2021, "Unequal Access To Early Childcare: A Longitudinal, Experimental Study", 5th annual workshop: "Experiments in education and labor market research", WZB Berlin, 1st October.
- 2020, « Une revue de littérature sur les politiques d'accompagnement au développement des capacités des jeunes enfants », LIEPP, Workshop Revues de littérature, 10 novembre.
Enseignements - Teaching
- 2022, "Poverty and decision making : A cognitive approach", Cognitive approaches to political behaviour course, Sciences Po.
- 2022, "Poverty and inequalities : the case of early childcare access", Behavioral insights and political behaviour course, Sciences Po.