Laura Silva
- Laura Silva (CRIS)
Laura Silva is postdoctoral fellow, PSE (Urban Economics, History and Society unit)
Courriel : laura.silva1(at)
Consulter le CV de Laura Silva
Laura Silva est associée au CREST (Center for Research in Economics and Statistics).
Thesis Defense: Thursday, November 30th, 2023 at Sciences Po.
Jury: Lidia Panico, Professeur des universités, Sciences Po, CNRS, CRIS
Haley McAvay, Lecturer, University of York
Mirna Safi, Full Professor, Sciences Po, CNRS, CRIS (supervisor)
Geoffrey Wodtke, Associate Professor, University of Chicago (rapporteur)
Fabrizio Bernardi, Catedratico , Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (rapporteur)
Felix Tropf, Associate Professor, University College London (UCL) and Purdue University
Sujet de thèse - Dissertation Title
Beyond “Do neighbourhoods matter?” Investigating heterogeneous neighbourhood effects on youth development
[Available Online]
Directrices de thèse : Mirna Safi (Sciences Po - OSC) et Haley McAvay (University of York).
Financement de la thèse : contrat doctoral Sciences Po.
- 2025, "Neighbourhood Effects Across Generations and the Reproduction of Inequality", The British Journal of Sociology, First published 20 January.
- 2024, "Gendered Contexts? The Effect of Neighbourhood Socio-Economic Deprivation on Girls' and Boys' Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Development", Sociology Compass, vol. 18, n° 10, e70010. [Open Access]
- 2023 (with Franco Bonomi Bezzo, James Laurence, Katharina Schmid), "Does personality matter? Exploring its moderating role on the relationship between neighbourhood ethnic outgroup-size and preferences for Brexit", European Societies, published Online 6 November.
- 2023, "A Utopian Approach to Social Transformation: The Role of Urban Social Movements' Fragmentation in Barcelona", Partecipazione & Conflitto, vol. 16, n° 2. [Open Access]
- 2023 (with Franco Bonomi Bezzo, James Laurence & Katharina Schmid), "Effects of absolute levels of neighbourhood ethnic diversity vs. changes in neighbourhood diversity on prejudice: Moderation by individual differences in personality", Social Science Research, vol. 115, September, 102919.
- 2023 (with Franco Bonomi Bezzo and Maarten van Ham), "Covid-19 restrictions: An opportunity to highlight the effect of neighbourhood deprivation on individuals’ health-related behaviours", Social Science & Medecine, vol. 325, 115917. [Open Access]
- 2021 (with Franco Bonomi Bezzo & Maarten van Ham), ’’The combined effect of Covid-19 and neighbourhood deprivation on two dimensions of subjective well-being: Empirical evidence from England’’, Plos One, published July 23. Blog post on Understanding Society
- 2021 (with Franco Bonomi Bezzo), Book Review: "John Boughton: Municipal Dreams: The Rise and Fall of Council Housing", Czech Sociological Review, vol. 57, n° 3, p. 404-407. Available online
Communications - Presentations
- 2021 (with Franco Bonomi Bezzo, Katharina Schmid, James Laurence ), "Changing neighbourhood, changing attitudes? The role of neighbourhood diversity on the development of attitudes towards immigration, inquiring into personality differences", ECSR Annual Conference (online), 7 October.