Lidia Panico
Professeure des universités
Lidia Panico (Sciences Po - CRIS)
contact : lidia.panico(at)
Bureau / Office : A210
Habilitée à diriger des thèses
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Lidia Panico is member of the LIEPP - Co-Director of the Educational Policies Research Group.
Thèmes de recherche - Research Interests
Lidia Panico’s research is at the crossroad between demography, epidemiology and sociology. Her work aims to describe and explain socio-economic inequalities in child health, development, and well-being, and with a focus on family processes and the role of public policies. Her research makes use of longitudinal methods and data, notably birth cohorts, and includes a comparative approach.
- 2024 (with Yuliya Kazakova & Marion Leturcq), Multidimensional Child Deprivation: Constructing Longitudinal Indicators for the Early Childhood Period, Child Indicators Research, published online October 3rd.
- 2024 (with Franco Bonomi Bezzo & Anne Solaz), "Socio-economic gradients in pupils’ self-efficacy: evidence, evolution and main drivers during the primary school years in France", Longitudinal and life course studies", First published, August 26th. [open access]
- 2024 (avec Anne Solaz), « Congé parental, modes d’accueil dans la petite enfance et fécondité », Informations sociales, 2023/3, n° 211, p. 51-56.
En ligne sur CAIRN - 2024 (with Alice Goisis & Melissa Mardinson), "Gradients in low birthweight by maternal education: A comparative perspective", SSM - Population Health, vol. 26, 101674, June 2024. [open access]
- 2024 (with Anne Solaz et al.), "Does Family Structure Account for Child Achievement Gaps by Parental Education? Findings for England, France, Germany and the United States", Population and Development Review, First Published, April 15th. Available on Wiley Online Library
- 2023 (with J. Waldfogel, S.J. Kwon et al.), “Inequalities in Resources for Preschool-Age Children by Parental Education: Evidence from Six Advanced Industrialized Countries”, European Journal of Population, vol. 39, n° 37. [open access]
- 2023 (with Cesarine Boinet et al.) "International differences in gradients in early childhood overweight and obesity: the role of maternal employment and formal childcare attendance", European Journal of Public Health, ckad058, vol. 33, n° 3, p. 468-475. [open access]
- 2023 (with Sandra Florian, Matheu Ichou et al.), “Differences in birth weight between immigrants’ and natives’ children in Europe and Australia: a LifeCycle comparative observational cohort study”, BMJ Open, vol. 13, n° 3. [open access]
- 2023 (with Maxime Tô) A distributional decomposition of birthweight differences by maternal education: A comparison of France and the UK, Journal of Economic Inequality, published 14 April. Available online on ScienceDirect
- 2021 (with S. Florian, M. Ichou), "Parental migrant status and health inequalities at birth: testing the selection hypothesis", Social Science and Medicine, vol. 278, 113915. Available online on ScienceDirect
- 2021 (with L. Berger, A. Solaz), "The Impact of Center-Based Childcare Attendance on Early Child Development:Evidence from the French Elfe Cohort", Demography, vol. 58, n° , p. 419–450. [open access]
Direction de thèses - PhD Students
- Marta de la Torre Carrera (co-dir.), L’engagement parental au sein des familles nombreuses : quels effets de l’expérience de la parentalité auprès des aînés sur la scolarité des derniers de fratrie?
- Emilie Grisez (co-dir.), La socialisation des enfants dans les écoles primaires catholiques en France
funded projects
ANR The Emergence of Health Gaps in Early Life: A Dynamic Analysis of Three National Birth Cohorts (EGAL)
Article mis à jour le 18-12-2024