Magda Boutros
Magda Boutros (Sciences Po - CRIS)
Contact: magda.boutros(at)
Office: B.211
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research interests and academic background
Magda Boutros’ research examines how policing and criminal justice institutions (re)produce inequalities of race, class, and gender, and how people act collectively to challenge them. She is currently writing a book on activism against racialized policing in France. Based on an ethnographic study of three contemporary movements, the book shows that the way in which activists produce knowledge about policing and inequalities shapes how they define the problem of racialized policing, and how they influence the public and political debate about policing, equality, and justice. She is also working on a collaborative project examining policing practices aiming to “evict undesirables” from public spaces.
Dernières publications - Latest Publication
- 2024, "The Epistemic power of the police", Theoretical Criminology, Online First, 23 July.
- 2023, “Contrôles au faciès in France: From denial to recognition to inaction”, In: J. de Maillard, K. Verfaillie, M. Rowe (eds), The politicization of police stops in Europe: Public Issues and Police reform, Palgrave.
- 2023, « Mobilisations contre les pratiques policières », In: Wesley Skogan and Jacques de Maillard (eds), Police et Société en France, Presses de Sciences Po.
- 2022, “Antiracism without Races: How activists produce knowledge about race and policing in France”, Social Problems, spac011.
- 2022, “Legal mobilization and branches of law: Contesting racialized policing in French courts”, Law and Society Review, vol. 56, n°4, p. 623-645.
- 2022 (with Anthony Pregnolato and Paul Le Derff), « Comprendre les mobilisations contre les violences policières – Understanding mobilizations against police violence », Champ Pénal, n° 26.
- Inquiries in Sociology (Bachelor students)
- Méthodes Qualitatives II : Ethnographie (Masters students)