Martin Aranguren
Martin Aranguren (CRIS)
Contact: martin.aranguren(at)
Office: B.206
Habilité à diriger des thèses
Thèmes de recherche - research interests
Martin Aranguren studied sociology, philosophy, political science, and anthropology in Argentina, France, Germany, Senegal, Venezuela, India, and the United States. After completing his PhD at Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in 2014, he was recruited at CNRS in 2015, initially joining the research unit URMIS, then the CRIS in 2021.
Martin’s research seeks to explain macro-social inequalities on the basis of micro-social mechanisms operating at the level of face-to-face interaction. For his empirical work, he uses a diverse palette of methods (all uniquely good for something, none good for everything): archival search, semi-structured interviews, participant observation, analysis of survey/administrative data, and field experiments.
His dissertation proposed an original approach for studying the dynamics of emotional encounters in the context of interpersonal relations. Based on field experiments, his more recent work investigates everyday discrimination in urban public places. His HDR (Habilitation à diriger des recherches) thesis, defended in 2024, puts forward an original research program for investigating the contribution of discrimination to inequalities in mental health.
- 2024, "Experimental Thinking: A Primer on Social Science Experiments", book review of James N. Druckman, Cambridge University Press, 2022, Contemporary Sociology, vol. 53, n° 2, p. 131-133.
- 2024 (avec Carlo Barone et Mirna Safi), « Les enjeux de régulation éthique dans les expérimentations de terrain en sciences humaines et sociales », L'Année sociologique, vol. 74, n° 2024/2, p. 475-494.
- 2024, "Racial discrimination in helping situations depends on the cost of help: A large field experiment in the streets of Paris", The British Journal of Sociology, First published, October 8th, 2024.
- 2024, "Adding experiments to the classical survey-interview mix: A three-method design for supporting micro-to-macro explanations in sociology", Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, vol. 91, 10093, June.
- 2023 (with Alice Cartaud, Ibrahima Cissé & Yann Coello), "People interact closer when a face mask is worn but risk compensation is at best partial", European Journal of Public Health, Corrected Proof, ckad161, 17 September. [Open Access]
- 2023, « Prévalence, mécanismes et conséquences des discriminations en raison de l'origine : un état des lieux des travaux en économie, en psychologie et en sociologie », coordination d'un numéro spécial de la revue Appartenances & Altérites, n° 3.
- 2023, "Sketch of a research program on the contribution of discrimination to mental health inequalities: a critical review of evidence, models and methods", Appartenances & Altérites, n° 3.
- 2023 (with Francesco Madrisotti & Eser Durmaz-Martins), "Anti-Muslim behavior in everyday interaction: evidence from a field experiment in Paris", Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, vol. 49, n° 3, p. 770-794 (Online July 2021). Open Access (Hal)
- 2022, “Face mask use conditionally decreases compliance with physical distancing rules against COVID-19: Gender differences in risk compensation pattern”, Annals of Behavioral Medicine, vol. 56, n° 4, p. 332-346 (Online August 2021).
- 2021 (with Francesco Madrisotti, Eser Durmaz-Martins, Gernot Gerger, Lena Wittmann & Marc Méhu), "Responses to the islamic headscarf in everyday interactions depend on sex and locale: a field experiment in the metros of Brussels, Paris, and Vienna on helping and involvement behaviors", PLOS ONE, 0254927. [Open Access]
- 2019 (avec Francesco Madrisotti), « Des regards aux égards. Effets du foulard islamique sur le comportement visuel des passagers du métro de Paris », Hommes & Migrations, n° 1324, p. 39-47.
- 2017, « La discrimination méprisante: Ébauche de définition d’une forme de traitement préjudiciable touchant particulièrement les minorités », Migrations Société, n° 168, 2017/2, p. 101-116.
- 2017, “Exploring the nonverbal facet of ethnic discrimination: a field experiment on anti-Roma racism in the Paris métro”, Social influence, vol. 12, n° 4, p. 155-166.
- 2017, “La transacción emocional como unidad de acción: un programa post-constructivista en sociología de las emociones”, Revista Brasileira de Sociologia da Emo-ção, vol. 16, n° 46, p. 102-117. - 2017, “Reconstructing the social constructionist view of emotions: from language to culture, including nonhuman culture”, Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, vol. 47, n° 2, p. 244-260 (Online November 2016).
- 2016, “Construcción social de las emociones, hermenéutica y antropocentrismo: hacia un naturalismo antipositivista”, Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios sobre Cuerpos, Emociones y Sociedad, vol. 8, n° 21, p. 77-87.
- 2015 (with Jocelyne Arquembourg), “Introduction to the special issue: ‘Doing things with emotions’/‘L’agir des émotions’”, Social Science Information, vol. 54, n° 4, p.419-423.
- 2015, “Emotional mechanisms of social (re) production”, Social Science Information, vol. 54, n° 4, p. 543-563. doi: 10.1177/0539018415598403
- 2015, “Nonverbal interaction patterns in the Delhi Metro: Interrogative looks and play-faces in the management of interpersonal distance”, Interaction Studies, vol.16, n° 3, p. 526-552.
- 2014 (with Stéphane Tonnelat), “Emotional transactions in the Paris subway: combining naturalistic videotaping, objective facial coding and sequential analysis in the study of nonverbal emotional behavior”, Journal of nonverbal behavior, n° 38, p. 495-521.
- 2014, « Le travail émotionnel du client: La structure séquentielle des émotions dans les usages problématiques d’un serveur vocal », Social Science Information, vol. 53, n° 3, p. 311-340.
- 2014, « L’exubérance du raisonnement joyeux. L’influence des humeurs sur la perception des affordances dans la résolution de problèmes », Revue d’anthropologie des connaissances, vol. 8, n° 3.
- 2012, « Sociologie du tuning. Réciprocité de l'ajustement et automatisme des choix techniques dans l'explication du succès des innovations », Réseaux, vol. 175, n° 5, p. 231-263.
- 2011, “Power Politics, Professionalism, and Patron–Client Relationships in Human Rights Advocacy: How Dalit Rights became Human Rights”, Globalizations, vol. 8, n° 1, p. 31-46.
- 2010, “La evolución de la revista Nueva Sociedad en el marco de la historia política y científico-social de América Latina (1972-1998), con foco en la llamada Teoría de la Dependencia”, Espacio abierto, vol.19, n° 1, p. 5-25.
- 2021-2022, "Reducing Risk Compensation (GERICO)", ANR, Call Résilience Covid-19.
GERICO seeks to explain why people relax one preventive measure (keeping a minimal one-meter distance) when they adopt another one (using a face mask) in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. - 2018-2021, "Misrecognitive discrimination" (MIDI), Momentum grant, Mission pour les Initiatives Transverses et Interdisciplinaires, CNRS.
Using field experiments, MIDI investigates subtle forms of discrimination in the context of face-to-face interactions in public places.
editorial boards
Member of the editorial board of Appartenances & Altérités
Peer reviewing
Annals of Behavioral Medicine, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, PLOS Global Public Health, PLOS ONE, Scientific Reports, Social Psychology Quarterly, Social Science and Medecine
Enseignements - Teaching
- 2023, Research design and introductory statistics (Quantitative Methods I), Sociology Master’s, Sciences Po.
- 2022, Data analysis using regression (Quantitative Methods II), Sociology Master’s, Sciences Po.