Mirna Safi
Full Professor at Sciences Po
Mirna Safi (photo Alexis Lecomte)
contact: mirna.safi(at)sciencespo.fr
office: A.214
Habilitée à diriger des thèses
Curriculum Vitae
Mirna Safi is Full Professor at Sciences Po, attached to the OSC/CRIS since 2007.
Fellows of the European Academy of Sociology (since 2019).
Research topics
Mirna Safi is interested in immigration, ethnic and racial inequality, discrimination and segregation. Her current research focuses on impact of immigration on ethnoracial stratification in the French society, anti-discrimination policies at the workplace, ethnic minority, residential mobility and locational choice.
Latest publications
- 2024 (with Haley McAvay), "‘I am fine, but my group is not': exploring the meanings of the personal/group discrimination discrepancy among minority and majority populations", Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, published online November 1st. [open access]
- 2024 (avec Martin Aranguren et Carlo Barone), « Les enjeux de régulation éthique dans les expérimentations de terrain en sciences humaines et sociales », L'Année sociologique, vol. 74, n° 2024/2, p. 475-494.
- 2024 (with Olivier Godechot et al.), "The Great Separation: Top Earner Segregation at Work in Advanced Capitalist Economies", American Journal of Sociology, vol. 130, n° 2, p. 293-537.
- 2024 (with Tianjian Lai and Haley McAvay), "Diverging pathways: The Effects of Initial Legal Status on Immigrant Socioeconomic and Residential Ouctomes in France", European Sociological Review, vol. 40, n° 4, p. 598-614. [Open access]
- 2024, "Immigration theory between assimilation and discrimination", Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, vol. 50, n° 1, p. 173–202.
- 2024 (with Ettore Recchi) (Ed.), Handbook of Human Mobility and Migration, Edward Elgar, 2024, 320 p.
- 2023 (with Louise Caron and Haley McAvay), "Born Again French: Explaining Inconsistency in Citizenship Declarations in French Longitudinal Data", American Sociological Review, First Published November 5th. [Open access]
- 2023 (with Matthew Soener and Olivier Godechot), "Who Benefits from Migrant and Female Labor? Connecting Wages to Demographic Changes in French Workplaces", Sociological Forum, vol. 38, n° 4, p. 1198-1219. [Open access
- 2023 (with Haley McAvay), "Class versus race? Multidimensional inequality and intersectional identities in France", Ethnic and Racial Studies, Published Online, March 30th. [Open access]
- 2023 (with Andrew M. Penner, Olivier Godechot et al.), "Within-job gender pay inequality in 15 countries", Nature Human Behaviour, vol. 7, n° 2, p. 184-189. Published online 24 November 2022. [Open access]
- 2022 (avec Thomas Breda, Nicolas Jacquemet, Morgane Laouénan, Roland Rathelot et Joyce Sultan Parraud), « La discrimination à l'embauche selon le sexe », DARES / IPP, Rapport d'études, n° 23, mars, 109 p.
- 2022 (with Andrew Penner et al.), "Within-Job Gender Pay Inequality in 15 Countries", OSC Papers, n°2022-3.
- 2022 (with Marta Pasqualini, Marta Dominguez Folgueras, Emanuele Ferragina, Olivier Godechot, Ettore Recchi), "Who took care of what? The gender division of unpaid work during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in France", Demographic Research, vol. 46, art. 34, p. 1007-1036. [Open access]
- 2021 (collectif, avec des chercheurs de la Dares-MAR, de l'Institut des Politiques Publiques et d'ISM-CORUM), « Discrimination à l'embauche des personnes d'origine supposée maghrébine : quels enseignements d'une grande étude par testing ? », Notes IPP, n° 76, novembre.
- 2021 (with Olivier Godechot & Matthew Soener), "The Intersection of Organizational Inequalities. How Gender, Migrant Status, and Class Inequality Relate to Each Other in French workplaces", OSC Papers, n° 2021-1, 28 p.
Scientific Responsabilities
- Director of the "Discriminations and Social Inequalities Research Group" (with Anne Revillard and Morgane Laouenan), Sciences Po, LIEPP
- Scientific Advisor (with Bruno Palier), Stream "Social Policy and Social Innovation", Sciences Po, School of Public Affairs
Directions de thèses - PhD Students
- Charlotte Corchete (co-dir.), Perceptions des recruteurs et des enseignants sur l'évaluation des candidats et des élèves : la place des compétences (Titre provisoire)
- Cao Minh Ho (co-dir.), Les bons élèves de l'immigration ? Les stéréotypes, ressource et frein dans les trajectoires des descendants d'immigrés asiatiques
- Perspectives in Economics and Sociology: Issues of Migration, Discrimination, Justice and Religion (Undergraduate)
- Migration and Ethnoracial Inequality (Graduate)
Editorial Boards
Article mis à jour le 18-12-2024