Rachel Le Marois
Rachel Le Marois
Download the curriculum vitae (pdf, 712 Ko)
Sujet de thèse - Dissertation Title
Invisible disability at work in French organizations today
Directeurs de thèse - Thesis Directors: Anne Revillard (Sciences Po - CRIS, LIEPP), Mar Perezts (emlyon business school - OCE), Lisa Buchter (emlyon business school - OCE)
Financement - Funding : emlyon business school
My project aims to make a meaningful contribution to the fields of Management and Sociology of inequalities.
My dissertation concerns the inclusion of people with invisible disabilities within the French workplace.
Invisible disability refers to a concealed and unmarked impairment that typically goes unnoticed. These hidden disabilities encompass a range of impairments or illnesses (such as chronic pain, learning disorders, cancer, AIDS, Crohn's disease, chronic migraines, psychological disorders...) that can present unique challenges in the workplace.
I approach my study from the perspective of disability studies.
My investigation will revolve around how French organizations engage with invisible disabilities. I will also explore the factors influencing the decisions of disabled employees regarding the disclosure of their invisible disabilities at their workplaces.
- 2024, "Disability and (In)visibility Work", In: Oana Branzel & Anica Zeyen (ed.), The Routledge Compagnon to Disability and Work, 1st Edition.