Accueil>Radically Reimagining the Imagination?
Radically Reimagining the Imagination?
À propos de cet événement
Le 13 septembre 2024 de 18:00 à 20:00
Workshop organized by Maricia Fischer-Souan (Sciences Po - CRIS), Friday September 20th 2024, 14:00 - 18:00, Sciences Po, 1 St-Thomas, room CS16.
In these panel presentations and discussions, scholars working in the areas of art, migration studies, sociology, and urban studies share different approaches to the imagination grounded in their respective archival, creative, discursive, and ethnographic work.
These scholars have in common a reflexive stance toward the imagination that directly or indirectly challenges loose conceptualisations of the imagination/imaginary currently in wide circulation across the social sciences, humanities and public discourse. The imagination - as mental faculty, embodied individual practice or collective process – requires critical examination through empirical, theoretical and aesthetic reflections.
How does the researcher’s imagination and creativity shape his or her work? How do we study and unpack complex processes of the imagination and its products in society, both at individual and collective levels? What are the promises and perils of the imagination, as a social process, object of study or aesthetic disposition of the researcher? Through conversation and sharing works in progress, these panels explore the spatial and temporal dynamics at play in processes of the imagination as well as its relationships to rationality, embodied emotion, representation and action.
Maricia Fischer-Souan, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow, Sciences Po - CRIS [email]
Foroogh Mohammadi, Assistant Professor, Acadia University
Maxime Christophe, PhD Candidate, Sciences Po - CRIS
Sara Hormozinejad, PhD Candidate, University of Toronto
Sukriti Issar, Associate Professor, Sciences Po - CRIS
Pavel Kunysz, Research Fellow, University of Liège
Pouya Morshedi, PhD Candidate, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Carolyn Defrin, Marie Skłdowska-Curie Fellow, University of Graz
Full programme details (pdf, 615 ko)
If you are interested in attending, please register here (the number of spots are limited).