Zachary Van Winkle

Associate Professor of sociology at Sciences Po
  • Zachary Van Winkle (CRIS)Zachary Van Winkle (CRIS)

contact : zachary.vanwinkle(at)
office: B.209

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Zachary Van Winkle is supervisor of CRIS PhD training

SPIRE Hal, l'archive ouverte de Sciences Po 0000-0001-7756-6799 Google Scholar  ResearchGate Zachary's Website - Blog Twitter accountBlueSky social network

research interests and academic background

Zachary Van Winkle research revolves around individual and institutional factors that shape life courses and life course transitions as well as the consequences those life courses have for individuals in a comparative perspective.

He defended his doctoral dissertation on the complexity of family life courses in 20th century Europe and the United States in early October of 2018, which was awarded the best PhD thesis prize from the European Consortium for Sociological Research and the German Society for Demography.

Starting in September of 2015, he was employed as a pre-doctoral research fellow at the department of microsociology at the Humboldt University and the research group on demography and inequality at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center. He was hosted by Stockholm University, Princeton University and the University of Amsterdam for research visits.

Up to 2020, he was a postdoctoral research fellow in sociology and social demography at the department of sociology and Nuffield College at the University of Oxford.

latest publications


WIDOW - ERC Starting Grant 2023-2028. A Social Demography of Widowhood across Ageing Societies.

WIDOW19 - Assessing the Individual and Societal Economic Consequences of Premature Widowhood following the Covid-19 Pandemic (ANR Résilience Covid19. July 2021-June 2022).

Collaborations internationales - International Collaborations

CRITEVENTS - Critical Life Events and the Dynamics of Inequality: Risk, Vulnerability, and Cumulative Disadvantage, NORFACE Network.

EQUALLIVES - Inequality, early adult life courses and economic outcomes at mid-life in comparative context,
NORFACE Network.

Responsabilités scientifiques - Scientific Responsabilities

  • Member of the Population Association of America, the European Population Association, the Sequence Analysis Association, and the German Society for Demography.
  • Journal of Family Research: Member of the editorial board.


the American Sociological Review, Demography, the Journal of Marriage and Family, the European Sociological Review, Social Forces, the European Journal of Population, the Journal of European Social Policy, Advances in Life Course Research, Acta Sociologica, Demographic Research, Population Studies, the Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, and SAGE Open

Article mis à jour le 17-10-2024
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