Jeong-A Lee

Doctorante en sociologie - PhD Candidate
  • Jeong-A Lee (CRIS)Jeong-A Lee (CRIS)


Sujet de thèse - Dissertation Title

Fertility intentions and behaviours in the context of changing ideals in South Korea and East Asia

Thesis supervisors: Angela Greulich (Sciences Po - CRIS) and Laurent Toulemon (Ined)

Funding: Sciences Po doctoral contract (2024-2027)

While extensive literature explains South Korea's declining fertility through institutional changes in education, employment, family, and gender systems, no study has thoroughly examined how shifting attitudes and values impact fertility decision-making from a life course perspective. This thesis aims to fill this gap by exploring the mechanisms through which changing attitudes influence fertility intentions and behaviours in South Korea, focusing on individual life courses and cohort variations. By integrating these dynamics into the broader Second Demographic Transition framework, the study seeks to understand the recursive nature of values and fertility decisions among South Korean women. Finally, a comparative analysis of East Asian countries will examine how policies shape family-related values, fertility outcomes, and ideals, offering insights into the interaction between institutional contexts and individual decision-making across regions.

Communications - Presentations

  • 2023, « Exploration pluridisciplinaire des valeurs à travers l'analyse quantitative des données », séminaire doctoral à Institut français de recherche sur le Japon à la Maison franco-japonaise, Tokyo, Japon, 10 Avril.
  • 2022 (avec Eve Moea Chodzko, Anna Sidorets, Nicolas Cauchi-Duval, Nicolas Rebière), « Quitter ou être quitté : quels effets sur l’avenir conjugal ? », 4e conférence annuelle de l’École des Hautes études en démographie , Ined, Paris, 28 Novembre.


Article mis à jour le 07-10-2024
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