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Advanced certification in gender studies
Granted by PRESAGE - Sciences Po's Gender Studies Programme, the Advanced Certification in Gender Studies is an interdisciplinary award in the social sciences that attests to a student’s acquisition of demonstrable academic expertise within the field of gender studies.
The Advanced Certification in Gender Studies is multidisciplinary, as gender studies teaching at Sciences Po. It acknowledges the scientific knowledge acquired throughout the curriculum, regardless of the Master or area of specialty chosen.
Getting certified
The Advanced Certification is open to all students in a second year of master programme at Sciences Po. Validation requirements are the following:
- Validate at least four courses (of which two master courses) in gender studies and obtain an ECTS grade of A or B: check out the course catalogue. Some teaching modules are eligible under the Advanced Certification: more (GoogleDoc).
- Validate the Grand Oral or the dissertation on a subject linked to gender studies.
Applications 2024-25
Students enrolled in the final year of their master's degree during the 2024-25 academic year may apply for the Advanced Certification in Gender Studies until 11 May 2025.
Frequently asked questions
Yes. The Advanced Certification in Gender Studies acknowledges the scientific knowledge acquired throughout your university curriculum. In your application, you will list the courses you have taken in other educational institutions (for example courses you have taken before entering Sciences Po if you were not a student at the Sciences Po Undergraduate College, or during your third year abroad). Please note that online courses taken outside a school or university curricula will not count towards the Advanced Certification.
You do not have to register for the Advanced Certification. You will validate gender studies courses acquired throughout your university curriculum and apply to the Advanced Certification in Gender Studies when you are in the second year of your Master’s Programme, in April.
A long internship [14 consecutive weeks minimum, full time], a civic service or an apprenticeship in connection with gender equality issues counts towards the Advanced Certification. It is considered as the equivalent of one gender studies course.
Numerous specific modules and programmes are eligible for the Advanced Certification in Gender Studies. This is the case, for example, of the team projects, of the Sciences Po Law School Clinic projects, of capstones. Check the full list.
Gender Studies Courses count towards the Advanced Certification in Gender Studies if you obtain an A or B ECTS Grade. The ECTS grading system has been defined by the European Union. An A or B ECTS Grade is obtained by the top 35% of the students (based on your final grade). You can display your ECTS Grade on your Transcripts in your student space.
If you did not obtain an A or B ECTS grade, this means that your final grade is not amongst the top 35% final grades in the class. In this situation, you can ask your teacher to write a letter attesting to your level in the context of obtaining the Advanced Certification in Gender Studies. You will adjoin this letter to your application file (with your transcript).