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Certification in gender and equality
Delivered jointly by the Sciences Po’s Gender Studies Programme - PRESAGE and the Sciences Po Undergraduate College, the Certification in Gender and Equality allows Bachelor students to enhance their skills on issues related to gender, and to address inequalities and discrimination between women and men.
Certification roadmap
Designed as a multidisciplinary introduction to gender studies, the Certification in Gender and Equality of the Sciences Po Undergraduate College combines instruction and the Civic Learning Program with the completion of the following steps:
- Validation of three gender studies courses between the first year and third year of undergraduate studies (including at least two courses taken at Sciences Po)
- Validation of at least one field experience as part of the Civic Learning Programme (the Civic Internship in year one or the Independent Project in year two) on a subject related to issues of gender, gender equality and/or gender discrimination
- Validation of the Capstone Project on a subject related to issues of gender, gender equality and/or gender discrimination.
All courses counting towards the Certification in Gender and Equality are listed in the online Gender Studies Course Catalogue.
Applications for certification will be subject to a qualitative assessment by an educational committee.
Frequently asked questions
There is no need to register during your first year of Undergraduate studies for the “Gender and Equality Certification”. But you can inform your academic advisor. You validate gender studies courses and a field experience during your first and second year of Undergraduate studies and you will apply at the start of the academic year of your third year. You will receive an email to inform you of the opening of applications.
Absolutely not! The Certification in Gender and Equality of the Undergraduate College is by no means compulsory. You can take gender studies courses at Sciences Po and during your year abroad without a will to apply for the Certification.
Applications for certification will be subject to a qualitative assessment by a joint educational committee composed of the PRESAGE Program team and the Sciences Po College pedagogical teams. Particular attention will be paid to the grades obtained in teaching in gender studies, as well as to the evolution and development throughout Undergraduate studies.
All the courses that count towards the Certification in Gender and Equality are listed in the Gender Studies Course Catalogue. This webpage is updated before each course registration campaign. To find out which courses you can take, please check out the courses offered on your campus, and then verify that it is not reserved for students of a specific major and that there is no scheduling conflict with the other courses you plan or must take. If in doubt, get in touch with your academic advisor.
Yes, if you meet all the validation criteria, you can apply for the Certification in Gender and Equality. To find out more, please write to your academic advisor at Sciences Po.
- The Sciences Po Undergraduate College
- The Certification in Gender and Equality of the Sciences Po College can be complemented at the Graduate level with the Advanced Certification in Gender Studies.