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Course offer
Gender studies refer to an international and interdisciplinary field of research. It analyses power relations, inequalities and discriminatory practices relating to sex, gender (including gender identity or expression), sexual orientation, as well as their intersection with other categories, such as social class, ethno-racial origins or presumed origins, religion, age and disability.
At Sciences Po, gender studies are primarily taught through the lens of the humanities and social sciences (law, economics, history, political science, sociology). Teaching in this area combines theoretical, empirical and applied approaches. Whatever their programme or professional aspirations, all students at Sciences Po have the option of pursuing a gender studies course track, at the Undergraduate College or during their graduate studies. In doing so, they gain the knowledge base and critical tools necessary to understand issues relating to gender inequality and discrimination, including past and future historical, social, economic, legal and political dimensions.
This Course Catalogue is updated every semester before the course registration campaign.
Undergraduate studies
Spring 2024-2025
General programme
First Year
- BEXP 15A08 - Introduction to gender studies (Hazal Atay), exploratory seminar
- BEXP 15F07 - Discriminations et inégalités (Émilie Biland-Curinier), exploratory seminar
- CSOC 25F18 - Géopolitique des minorités sexuelles et de genre : espace, pouvoir et populations LGBT+ (Florent Chossière), exploratory seminar
Second Year
- Addressing Power. How to read Western Political Philosophy through Women's texts (Yaël Hirsch)
- DSOC 25A29 - Digital Feminisms: Theory and methods for feminism on the Internet (Isabelle Langrock), inter-major seminar
- Gender, Religion, and International Politics (Elizabeth Orrego Torres), inter-major seminar
Central and Eastern Europe programme
- BEXP 11A04 - Re-imagining european Cities : Gender, Post-coloniality, Heritage and Networks (Maxime Forest), exploratory seminar, semester 2
- CSOC 21F00 - Genre, politique et avant-garde (Maxime Forest) (FR), inter-major seminar, semester 4
Europe - Asia programme
- BEXP-12A08 - Who Runs the World ? Gender equality, Power, and Leadership in the workplace (Clare Ramsbottom), exploratory seminar, semester 2
- Gender, Conflict, and Sexual Violence: Legal and Practical Approach (Léa Darves-Bornoz), inter-major seminar, semester 4
Middle East and Mediterranean programme
First Year
- Éco-feminisms (Julie Gorecki), exploratory seminar
- BEXP 13F02 - Les femmes dans la littérature et le cinéma au Moyen-Orient et en Méditerranée (Gabriel Khairallah), exploratory seminar
Second Year
- DECO 23A23 - Gender Economics (Kenza Elass), inter-major seminar
- CHUM 23F04 - Anthropologie du genre, une approche pour l'étude des sociétés méditerranéennes (Lucille Florenza), , inter-major seminar
- Power, Gender and Colonialism (Bruna Alves Gonçalves), methods workshop
Europe and Franco-German region programme
First Year
- BEXP 14A06 - Introducing French and German Feminist Theory (Cornelia Möser), exploratory seminar
- BEXP 14F09 - Le genre en questions: théories, enjeux et perspectives juridiques critiques (Dorcas Goabga), exploratory seminar
Second Year
- CHUM 24A04 - Feminist theory 2 (with a special focus on German and French approaches) (Cornelia Möser), inter-major seminar
- CSPO 24F08 - Le genre en questions: théories, enjeux et perspectives juridiques critiques (Dorcas Goabga), inter-major seminar
Europe-Latin America programme
- BEXP 16F04 - Histoire du genre dans l'Espagne contemporaine (XIXe-XXe siècle) (Marie Walin) (FR), exploratory seminar, semester 2
- CSOC 26A03 - Gender Studies (Diogo Silva Corrêa), inter-major seminar, semester 4
North America programme
First Year
- BHUM 17A26 - Introduction to feminist theories (Rola Matter), conférence de lecture, humanités, semesters 1 and 2
- BEXP 17A09 - Gender and Sexuality in the Law of Families (Marie Dry), exploratory seminar
- Understanding Black Masculinities in the US: A 20th and 21st Century Perspective (Yannick Blec), exploratory seminar
Second Year
- DHUM 27A50 - Feminist ethics and Politics of the Body (Sibylle Léonard), inter-major seminar
- CHUM 27F08 - Politiques de l'inconscient : Genre, Féminismes, théories critiques: pas sans la psychanalyse (Fabrice Bourlez), inter-major seminar
- Reproduction and Power (Anna Sidorevich), inter-major seminar
- Gendering the Cold War (Anna Sidorevich), inter-major seminar
- CDRO 27F10 - Droits des femmes: Étude comparée France / États-Unis (Maud Woitier), inter-major seminar
Europe - Africa programme
- BEXP 17F08 - Cinémas d'Afrique, regards au féminin (Melissa Thackway) (FR), exploratory seminar, semester 2
- CSPO27F11 - Inventer la parité de genre en Afrique (Émile Boyogueno) (FR), inter-major seminar, semester 4
Graduate studies
Spring 2024-2025
Common Academic Curriculum
IFCO 2625 - Gender, Economics and Societies (Hélène Périvier)
School of Public Affairs
Certificat égalité femmes-hommes et politiques publiques, optional block, semesters 1 and 2
More information to come.
School of International Affairs (PSIA)
Certificat égalité femmes-hommes et politiques publiques, optional block, semesters 1 and 2
Master in International Security
F1IS 4505 - From War to Peace - And State-Building: a gendered perspective (Judith Gardner), Core Curriculum, Block 4A: Conflicts and Criminal Justice, semester 2
Master in International Governance and Diplomacy
OADI 2335 - Building a Feminist International System through Multilateralism (Cristina Gallach, Silvana Koch Mehrin), Core Curriculum, Block 6: Strategy, Leadership & Management for Diplomacy (Diplomacy concentration courses) , semester 2
Master in International Development
F1ID 4065 - Approaches to Project Management and Inclusive Development (Saskia Ravesloot, Rachel Brock), Master Core curriculum, Block 4: Governance, semester 2
Master in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action
First year
- OAGD 1005 - Women's Resistance against Violence and Fight for Human Rights Protection (Sacha Koulaeva, Tchérina Jerolon), Core Curriculum, Block 4B: Law & Security, semester 2*
- F1HH 4520 - Gender in Emergencies: Rapid Gender Analysis (Isadora Quay), Core Curriculum, Block 4B: Law & Security, semester 2*
- F1HH 4505 - Gender & Conflict: a Human Rights Perspective (Élisabeth Marteu), Core Curriculum, Block 4C: Dilemmas & Challenges, semester 2*
*Note: these three courses are also offered in the Gender Studies Concentration, see below.
Second year
- OAGD 1020 - Women, Peace & Security Through Key Case Studies (Mireia Cano Vinas), Core Curriculum, Block 6B: Law & Security, semester 4 (also offered in the Gender Studies Concentration)
- F1HH 5055 - Sexual & Gender-Based Violence in Conflict Zones: Methodological and Ethical Principles (Nazand Begikhan), Core Curriculum, Block 6C: Investigations, Fact Finding / Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation, semester 4
Thematic Concentration: Gender Studies
- OAGD 1010 - Women and Leadership (Arancha González Laya)
- OAGD 1005 - Women's Resistance against Violence and Fight for Human Rights Protection (Sacha Koulaeva, Tchérina Jerolon) (also offered in the Master in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action)
- OAGD 1015 - Gender Equality in Sustainable Economies (Eva Bernard)
- OAGD 1020 - Women, Peace & Security Through Key Case Studies (Mireia Cano Vinas) (also offered in the Master in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action)
- F1HH 4520 - Gender in Emergencies: Rapid Gender Analysis (Isadora Quay) (also offered in the Master in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action)
- F1HH 4505 - Gender & Conflict: a Human Rights Perspective (Élisabeth Marteu) (also offered in the Master in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action)
- OCAS 3000 - Population, Gender and Society in China (Isabelle Attané) (also offered in the Asian Studies Concentration)
- OAGE 0135 - Gender-responsive economic policies (Gaëlle Ferrant) (also offered in the Global Economy Concentration)
Thematic Concentration: Global Economy
OAGE 0135 - Gender-responsive economic policies (Gaëlle Ferrant) (also offered in the Gender Studies Concentration)
Regional Concentration: Asian Studies
OCAS 3000 - Population, Gender and Society in China (Isabelle Attané) (also offered in the Gender Studies Concentration)
Law School
More information to come.
School of Research
Master in Political Science, Politique comparée major
OCAS 3000 - Population, Gender and Society in China (Isabelle Attané) (also offered at PSIA)
Master in Sociology
Sociologie du genre et de la sexualité (Émilie Biland-Curinier), thematic improvement course, semester 2
Testify to your skills and education in gender studies in the professional world: obtain the Certification in Gender and Equality (undergraduate level) or the Advanced Certification in Gender Studies (graduate level)