Home>Bridging continents: African Space Council in Sciences Po to Chart the Future of Space

Bridging continents: African Space Council in Sciences Po to Chart the Future of Space
At the end of October, Sciences Po had the privilege of hosting the African Space Council for an exceptional three-day program dedicated to the fast-evolving field of space governance, the exchange of spatial knowledge, and the applications of space technologies for development and sustainability.
SciencesPo Executive Education, the CEVIPOF and PSIA Tech & Global Affairs Innovation Hub joined forces, with support from MEDEF International's African program, to organize workshops and visits where President Dr. Tidiane Ouattara and his fellow leaders engaged with experts from French and European spatial institutions (ESA, CNES), researchers from multiple disciplines involved with aerospace, and executives from leading aerospace industries.
This program, centered on knowledge and experience sharing across continents, fostered an essential discussion on the evolution of the international governance of space. The emergence of private “New Space” stakeholders, as well as new State actors investing in their own capacity to design, build, and sometimes launch their own satellites and spacecrafts to address a wide array of pressing challenges, held a particular place in the agenda.
Workshops offered a collaborative platform to explore impactful use cases of space technologies for sustainable development—whether already deployed or at the research and development stage—and examined the governance structures required to support them and maximize their benefits.
This initiative contributed directly to shaping the roadmap for the recently established African Space Agency, reinforcing dialogue among nations pursuing shared goals under the same sky.
Punctuated by an exciting meeting with SciencesPo Director Luis Vassy, this convening marked a promising step towards future academic cooperation between the African Space Council and SciencesPo.